It aint that critical so you can use the led thats indicating the on state and when you puls the led with max 10ms. 1/10 of the time you can save a lot of the lithium power or make the led very bright ...
Hello there,
The ks0066u is used in the Ericsson telephones en so they are easy to get. I think it would be great to have a CCS-driver for them! Does anyone now a code for this piece of hardware? The ...
Yes I am using the CCS compiler. and I was searching for some exsample programs to help me get started. At this moment I have made some copys of files from this board witch wil help me ...
I am new in this PIC-stuf and bought me a PICkit 1 from Microchip with a few 12f675 chips. In the example software there isn't any example or headerfile for this chip to begin with.... ...