I want to look in the code serveral times after the interrupt bit for Timer0 overflow. I dont want to use an interrupt for that, but reading an resetting this bit manualy. Is there an easy way or have ...
I want to use a PIC18F242 to produce a square wave with variable frequency between 50Hz an 3khz. On the datasheet I found that I can use CCP1 module for doing this. Toggle the CCP1 Pin on matching Tim ...
I use the PWM module over CCP2. THe pin is multiplexed with RC1 and RE7 in "microcontroller mode" and multiplexed with RC1 and RB3 depending on witch mode the PIC is running. The mode can be set in th ...
I have the following Problem:
I want that my main.c have access to the files file1.c and file2.c
these have header files file1.h and file2.h.
The filex.c have to have access to main.c and the main. ...