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  Topic: lclint

Replies: 0
Views: 2954

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 10:34 am   Subject: lclint

I've installed Lclint as described here by pcmprogrammer:

void main()
int a;
char b;
b = 19;
b = 75940823412;
if ( a = 0)
a = 3;
  Topic: waking up from sleep using timer1.

Replies: 4
Views: 4899

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 10:56 am   Subject: waking up from sleep using timer1.
I'm using a 20MHz crystal, and a 32,768KHz oscillator connected on RC0.

Christophe D.
  Topic: waking up from sleep using timer1.

Replies: 4
Views: 4899

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 8:33 am   Subject: waking up from sleep using timer1.
Thanks Tthelmah.
I've modified my code to :

void timer1_isr(void)
fprintf( COM2, "T1 ON\n" );
setup_timer_1( T1_DISABLED );
  Topic: waking up from sleep using timer1.

Replies: 4
Views: 4899

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 4:08 am   Subject: waking up from sleep using timer1.

I am trying to put the PIC to sleep and wake it up using TIMER1. I've been using the WDT timer in the past but I'd like to have a better accuracy using TIMER1.
I'm using a PIC18LF2620
CCS ...
  Topic: EEPROM data after power up

Replies: 3
Views: 5438

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 2:12 am   Subject: EEPROM data after power up
I'm using PIC 18F4550. I've checked the errata and there is nothing mentioned.
The compiler is V4.033.
  Topic: EEPROM data after power up

Replies: 3
Views: 5438

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 10:08 am   Subject: EEPROM data after power up
Hello there,

I'm having a problem reading data from the EEPROM after power up.

Some background info:
I store some data into the EEPROM, and store a CRC of the data. When the program starts, I ...
  Topic: max transfer speed using FTDI chip

Replies: 2
Views: 4563

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 7:42 am   Subject: max transfer speed using FTDI chip
Hello there,

We're currently playing with an FTDI chip: FT245.

We can only achieve a transfer rate of about 250kbytes/sec using the D2XX driver. I think this is quite low because FTDI claims a ...
  Topic: Interrupt on change constantly triggering.

Replies: 3
Views: 5457

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 10:37 am   Subject: Interrupt on change constantly triggering.
Thanks Humberto and PCM programmer. Both solutions work.

Christophe D.
  Topic: Interrupt on change constantly triggering.

Replies: 3
Views: 5457

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 10:05 am   Subject: Interrupt on change constantly triggering.

I'm trying to detect a change on PIN_B4 but the interrupt is constantly triggering.
Can someone point out what I'm doing wrong?

Here is the code:

#include <18F4550.h>
#devic ...
  Topic: Interrupt being missed.

Replies: 1
Views: 3949

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 6:31 am   Subject: Interrupt being missed.

I am currenly using timer3 to trigger an interrupt every 100ms. From time to time, I need to run a part of the program for 1ms which can't be interrupted. So I first disable and and then re- ...
  Topic: data encapsulation

Replies: 10
Views: 9217

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 5:24 am   Subject: data encapsulation

My program won't compile if I don't include "private.c".

The linker is not working as far as I know.
That brings me back to the original question: How to avoid global variabl ...
  Topic: data encapsulation

Replies: 10
Views: 9217

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 4:03 am   Subject: data encapsulation

The best/only way to do encapsulation in C is to create other source files. These other source files have variables local to each file, then each file has a header file declares the functions used t ...
  Topic: data encapsulation

Replies: 10
Views: 9217

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 4:30 pm   Subject: data encapsulation

I would like to use Data Encapsulation in order to avoid using too many global variable. Can this be achieved with CCS compiler? In ANSI C, I would add a "static" keyword in front ...
  Topic: assigning a value to a pointer

Replies: 1
Views: 4673

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 11:30 am   Subject: assigning a value to a pointer
hello forum,

I'm having some trouble with pointers. First I wanted to have a function that return a pointer but the result was weird. I tried different method, but the results are still incorrect. ...
  Topic: sizeof(structure->array)

Replies: 2
Views: 4718

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 9:26 am   Subject: sizeof(structure->array)
Hello there,

I am trying to optain the size of an array which is a member of a pointer to a structure.

Here is my sample code:
typedef struct
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