You are slighty missing the point (maybe) cos you also need to think about the stabilty of yr oscillator. You can get to the lower baud rates using a 1 meg resonator with built-in caps (3 pin device) ...
YA NEED TO EXPLICITLY SET UP THE PORTS. nOTE ESPECIALLY THE PORT B BITS 0 TO 4 ARE SET AS ANALOG INPUTS AT POWER-UP (damn caps lock key!!) Start by looking at the i/o ports section in the data sheet a ...
Ya need to read page 120 of the data sheet. The hidden subtlety is you need to explicitly ensure that the enhanced PWM is off and the streaming parallel port stuff. Don't just hope!! The former point ...
Please note that the SPAM words in my last reply were what the CCS site chose to replace the word transistor with!!
Programmers can be very strange people.
open drain output does not require an external [spam] if you can constrain levels within the 0 to +5V range of yr power supply rails (or whatever yr PSU range happens to be). The internal protection d ...
If anyone out there can advise whether there are any resources....programs or documents...that would help with converting a load of programs from Microchip's C18 to CCS dialect....that would be great ...