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General Error
Could not insert search results


SQL Error : 1062 Duplicate entry '2050302242' for key 'PRIMARY'

INSERT INTO phpbb_search_results (search_id, session_id, search_time, search_array) VALUES(2050302242, '3f539de1b0d04389b6abcf13e7e9f3d4', 1734381933, 'a:7:{s:14:"search_results";s:166:"19452, 20409, 20414, 20415, 20472, 20625, 20738, 21737, 24503, 24506, 24512, 24584, 24678, 24690, 24691, 25236, 25264, 25265, 25266, 25446, 25484, 25531, 25705, 25718";s:17:"total_match_count";i:24;s:12:"split_search";N;s:7:"sort_by";i:0;s:8:"sort_dir";s:4:"DESC";s:12:"show_results";s:5:"posts";s:12:"return_chars";i:200;}')

Line : 744
File : search.php

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