I also check the forum but the info is a bit confusing for multiplexing and there's is a lot of sites I visit but they use assembly language.
I don't know if there is a datasheet for the seven segme ...
Pls help me to learn basic coding of multiplexing 4 seven segment display using pic16f877a. Because we have a project in programming a digital clock and my problem is I am running out of ports and I d ...
Its done!! You're the man!! I keep in trial and error the program and I figure it out, but still there is a "for loop" in my program! Sorry for my late reply because we are currently making ...
*** Error 53 "D:\backup ni jepoy\MPLAB\Clanguage\7segment\Counting 0-999\incrementdecrementdo.c" Line 30(10,15): Expecting function name 1 Errors, 2 Warnings.
Halting build on first f ...