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  Topic: Cursor mouvement after compilation in MPLAB

Replies: 5
Views: 13261

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Tue May 18, 2004 8:11 pm   Subject: Cursor mouvement after compilation in MPLAB
It's already split in several files (1 for main, and 4 includes) all 5 files have more than 6000 lines totals.

Even if it's a small program... like 100 ou 200 lines... I find it totally ridiculous ...
  Topic: Cursor mouvement after compilation in MPLAB

Replies: 5
Views: 13261

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Thu May 13, 2004 7:52 pm   Subject: Cursor mouvement after compilation in MPLAB
Is there a way, in MPLAB, to prevent the cursor from jumping to the first line of the program after the compilation or to jump to the current excution line after a halt command ?

I want to be able ...
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