I'm able to get ATR on inserting the card in the Smart Card reader. But when I try to call MF file creation CLA INS, TIMEOUT happens in read/write I2C EEPROM routin ...
I'm able to get ATR on inserting the card in the Smart Card reader. But when I try to call MF file creation CLA INS, TIMEOUT happens in read/write I2C EEPROM routin ...
I'm trying to emulate a ISO 7816 Smart card. I'm able to program into the card and partly implemented ISO 7816 T=0 protocol functionality. I'm unable to create a filesystem due to I2C problem.
You are right it should be 16F876, but I have mapped the 28 PIN into 40 PIN 16F877 and I'm able to load and test the application on the PIC. The only problem is with I2C interface to 24LC256. I have ...
I have assembled Silvercard (PIC 16F877 + 24LC256) but I'm unable to read/write to external EEPROM 24LC256. For silvercard schematic please check the site http://www.starwafer.com/pic16f877+24lc256eng ...