I've already do so. But when temp is 20C, the voltage on PinA0 is 3,2V. And I place a resistor var 10K on adj PIN of LM335. I adjust resistor var to have a real temp of environtment. Then, I see that ...
Hi all!
I design a circuit to measure temperature using LM335Z. The circuit as following:
LM335: pin1-not connect
pin2-connect to AN2 and 5v through R1k
pin3-connect to GND
Hi all!
I'm using 16F877A. I write a program to blink led7 when push a button . I use timer2 with set up:
void Init_Timer(void)
setup_timer_2(T2_DIV_BY_4, 250, 1);
enable_inte ...