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  Topic: DS3231 High Precision I2C RTC Driver

Replies: 11
Views: 89169

PostForum: Code Library   Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 2:29 pm   Subject: Thanks for everybody's help
Driver runs perfectly with

"#use i2c(Master, SDA=pin_C4, SCL=pin_C3)"

i guess default i2c rate is working fine, raising the rates disturbs the internal operation of the IC.
  Topic: Can the difference between two unsigned int16 be negative?

Replies: 13
Views: 29715

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 4:01 am   Subject: Thank you RF_Developer
Thanks for your reply, that quite satisfying. Now a simple question remains from the code snippet. If i want to have 'rem' variable to have values from '0' -- '20', would the following if condition su ...
  Topic: Can the difference between two unsigned int16 be negative?

Replies: 13
Views: 29715

PostForum: General CCS C Discussion   Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 2:55 am   Subject: Can the difference between two unsigned int16 be negative?
Hello Guys,

Can the following statement result in negative when difference is calculated between two unsigned int16 values?

unsigned int8 rem;
unsigned int16 first = 10, second = 20;

if( ...
  Topic: DS3231 High Precision I2C RTC Driver

Replies: 11
Views: 89169

PostForum: Code Library   Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 5:22 pm   Subject: Thank you for all the help.
I'll try lowering the i2c transfer rate and post the results, may be this can help others aswell.
by the way, thanks.
  Topic: DS3231 High Precision I2C RTC Driver

Replies: 11
Views: 89169

PostForum: Code Library   Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 3:27 pm   Subject: PCB Design
As far as PCB is concerned, i have taken good care in designing with the consultation of datasheet. No signaling tracks are around the RTC and its close to i2c pins of 18f452. SCK and SCL pins are pul ...
  Topic: DS3231 High Precision I2C RTC Driver

Replies: 11
Views: 89169

PostForum: Code Library   Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 3:05 pm   Subject: No doubts
Bro, i have no doubts about your driver but i used it with my DS3231SN, it gave me 2 mins difference in time in just a day. Probably i would be doing something wrong, so im figuring out the solutions/ ...
  Topic: DS3231 High Precision I2C RTC Driver

Replies: 11
Views: 89169

PostForum: Code Library   Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 7:33 am   Subject: Just a simple question about this driver.
There are no i2c error checks whether slave responds with an ACK or not.
Aren't they necessary with this particular chip? and one more thing, datasheet for ds3231 (pg 11), 'statusReg' has a busy fla ...
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