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Joined: 14 Sep 2005 Posts: 12
Transition from PIC16F876 to PIC16F916 |
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 6:33 am |
I�m trying to change PIC form PIC16F876 to PIC16F916, but I have had some trouble. Whell, when I turn on my projetc, it doesn�t work!
I�ve noted the PIC16F916 doesn�t have the LVP fuse. How can this affect my project?
The CCP1 pin changed too. But it just control the LCD contrast, so, the other things should work...
Are there another significatives diferences I didn�t get?
Thanks for any help. _________________ Paulo Bernardi |
Joined: 04 Aug 2004 Posts: 238 Location: Chicago
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 6:41 am |
It took me about an hour of head scratching trying to get my 18F458 -> 16F914 to run. I refer to the F914 because the F916 that you are using is part of the same "family"
You're fuses should be working just fine. Any errors in your #fuses statement would have been flagged as a compile error. okay, so once your past the fuse problems, there are other things to note.
1. Are you running the internal oscillator?
2. Make sure you ensure that your comparators are OFF.
3. I had a problem trying to get portD to work right. The trick was that TRISE.4 would have to be cleared, or else PORTD would be in parallel port mode, and not I/O mode. (Then again, a 28 pin 16F914 might not have this problem).
Here's an example program in the F914 that does work on the PICDEM-2 board, and it uses the internal oscillator:
Code: |
#include <16F914.h>
#device ADC=10
#use delay(clock=8000000) /* one instruction=1us? */
#use rs232(baud=9600, xmit=PIN_C6, rcv=PIN_C7, ERRORS)
#use I2C(master, SCL=PIN_C3, SDA=PIN_C4)
#byte PIC_OSCCON=0x8F
void main(void)
int data;
int ack;
long int fahr;
unsigned int iteration;
iteration = 0;
printf ("\r\n\r\n\r\n");
while (1)
ack = i2c_write(0x9A);
ack = i2c_write(0x00);
/* send start again */
ack = i2c_write(0x9b);
data = i2c_read(0);
// Convert the A/D value to fahrenheit
fahr = (9 * (long)data);
fahr = fahr/5;
fahr = fahr + 32;
printf ("Iteration = %d, Temp: %ld\r\n", iteration, fahr);
iteration = iteration + 1;
Joined: 14 Sep 2005 Posts: 12
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 6:49 am |
Quote: |
1. Are you running the internal oscillator?
No, I use an external clock. But It was working fine on 16F876, so, I don�t think it is a problem.
Quote: |
2. Make sure you ensure that your comparators are OFF.
I�ll verify it. Thanks.
Another thing, how does the ANSEL reg work? _________________ Paulo Bernardi |
Joined: 04 Aug 2004 Posts: 238 Location: Chicago
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 8:00 am |
ANSEL? I looked at page 90 of the datasheet's pdf file. It says that ANSEL and CMCON0 should be initialized to configure digital i/o.
ANSEL = Analog Select Register
CMCON0 has to do with the comparator stuff.
Anyways, to get my 914 to work, i had to issue the following statement while initializing my ports:
Code: |
This i think turns off the comparator. |
Joined: 14 Sep 2005 Posts: 12
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 10:43 am |
Thanks, Mike, but it didn�t work!
It looks like the pic didn�t run, I put a BEEP on first line, but nothing happens.
Any idea? _________________ Paulo Bernardi |
Joined: 04 Aug 2004 Posts: 238 Location: Chicago
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 5:19 pm |
I don't know what you should do next. For all we know, it might be that your hardware isn't working, who knows.
I wish I had a pic16f916 to try on the picdem, but i don't.
Whenever i'm faced with a new PIC to work with, the first thing I do is get the DIP version of it, slap it onto my PICDEM-2 demo board, and attempt a simple printf("Hello World\r\n"); program to Hyperterminal.
This will ensure me that my #fuses statement is correct, my clock setting is correct, etc. Once i get my printf working, then the rest of it is application-specific. |
PCM programmer
Joined: 06 Sep 2003 Posts: 21708
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 5:44 pm |
Quote: | It looks like the pic didn�t run, I put a BEEP on first line, but nothing happens. |
Post your little program that beeps. Make sure you post the
#include, #fuses, and #use statements.
Also post your compiler version. This is a number such as 3.191,
or 3.236, and can be found at the top of the .LST file, which is in
your project directory. |
Joined: 14 Sep 2005 Posts: 12
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 4:19 am |
Ok, here is the start of .h file
Code: | #include <16F916.h>
#use delay(clock=16000000)
#define LIMPA 0x01
#define RETORNO 0x02
// Organiza��o de mem�ria EEPROM (EEPROM memory organization)
#define M_Pre 0
#define M_p2 1
#define M_p3 2
#define M_p2_220 3 //2 bytes
#define M_p2_127 5 //2 bytes
#define M_p3_220 7 //2 bytes
#define M_p3_127 9 //2 bytes
#define M_f1 11
#define M_CCPR1L 12
#define M_n_disparos 13 //2 bytes
#define M_inicio_tab 15 //2 bytes
// Defini��o dos bits de habilita��o dos displays (displays enable bits)
#bit En = 0x07.3
#bit Rs = 0x07.4
// Defini��o das teclas (keys definitions)
#bit K1 = 0x05.3
#bit K2 = 0x05.4
#bit C0 = 0x06.0
#bit C1 = 0x06.1
#bit C2 = 0x06.2
#bit C3 = 0x06.3
#bit C4 = 0x06.4
#bit C5 = 0x06.5
// Beep
#bit BEEP = 0x05.5
// Defini��o dos dados do display (display data)
#byte DADOS = 0x06 // PORTB
#byte DIR_DADOS= 0x86 //TRISB
// Acionamento dos leds (LEDs)
#bit LED1 = 0x07.0
#bit LED2 = 0x07.1
#byte PORTA = 0x05
#byte PORTB = 0x06
#byte PORTC = 0x07
// Acionamento dos reles
#bit RL1 = 0x07.5
#bit RL2 = 0x07.6
#bit RL3 = 0x07.7
// Verifica��o dos reles
#bit ON1 = 0x05.1
#bit ON2 = 0x05.2
// Registros de dire��o
#byte TRISA = 0x85
#byte TRISB = 0x86
#byte TRISC = 0x87
// Bytes de configura��o
#byte adcon1 = 0x9F
#byte adcon0 = 0x1F
#byte adresh = 0x1E
#byte adresl = 0x9E
// Bytes de configura��o
#byte OPTION = 0x81
#byte INTCON = 0x0B
#byte PIE1 = 0x8C
#byte PIR1 = 0x0C
#bit TMR1IF = PIR1.0
//Timer 1
#byte TMR1L = 0x0E
#byte TMR1H = 0x0F
#byte T1CON = 0x10
#bit TMR1ON = T1CON.0
// Configura��o do PWM
#byte TMR2 = 0x11
#byte PR2 = 0x92
#byte T2CON = 0x12
#byte CCPR1L = 0x15
#byte CCPR1H = 0x16
#byte CCP1CON = 0x17
//configura��o de bits de sele��o anal�gica
#byte ANSEL = 0x91
//Configura��o do oscilador
#byte OSCCON = 0x8F
// Defini��o dos bits de configura��o
#bit go_done = adcon0.2 //Convers�o em progresso |
The file .h is included. The start of main() and config() are:
Code: |
void main()
BEEP = 1;
void config()
//zera vari�veis
status.kbhit = 0;
l12[0] = 0;
l12[1] = 0;
leds.j = 1;
leds.e = 1;
leds.rx1 = 1;
status.dig = 0;
status.aut = 0;
debounce.w = 0;
digital = 0;
ponteiro = inicio_tabela;
exposicao = valores[ponteiro];
OSCCON = 0x0E;
OPTION = 0x00;
// Configura��o dos ports
TRISA = 0x07;
TRISB = 0x00;
TRISC = 0x00;
// Conversor AD
adcon1 = 0x8E;
adcon0 = 0x81;
// Configura��o do timer
T1CON = 0x01; // Timer1, no pre, clk int.
INTCON = 0xC0; // Habilita m�scara
PIE1 = 0x01; // Habilita interrup��o do timer1
TMR1H = (65535-4000)/256; // Base de tempo de 1ms
TMR1L = 95;
// zera comparadores
// Configura��o do PWM
//PR2 = 0xFF;
//T2CON = 0x04;
//CCPR1L = 0x10;
//CCP1CON = 0x0F;
// Inicializa��o das portas anal�gicas
ANSEL = 0;
// Inicializa��o de vari�veis
LED1 = 1;
LED2 = 0;
BEEP = 0;
RL1 = 0;
RL2 = 0;
RL3 = 0;
debouncing = 0;
K1 = 1;
K2 = 1;
// Recupera valores da EEPROM
pre = r_eeprom(m_pre);
p2 = r_eeprom(M_p2);
p3 = r_eeprom(M_p3);
rec.b.l = r_eeprom(M_p2_220);
rec.b.h = r_eeprom(M_p2_220 + 1);
p2_220= rec.w;
rec.b.l = r_eeprom(M_p2_127);
rec.b.h = r_eeprom(M_p2_127 + 1);
p2_127= rec.w;
rec.b.l = r_eeprom(M_p3_220);
rec.b.h = r_eeprom(M_p3_220 + 1);
p3_220= rec.w;
rec.b.l = r_eeprom(M_p3_127);
rec.b.h = r_eeprom(M_p3_127 + 1);
p3_127= rec.w;
fl.b = r_eeprom(M_f1);
CCPR1L = r_eeprom(M_CCPR1L);
if(CCPR1L == 0xFF)
CCPR1L = 0;
wr_eeprom(12, CCPR1L);
rec.b.l = r_eeprom(M_n_disparos);
rec.b.h = r_eeprom(M_n_disparos + 1);
n_disparos= rec.w;
inicio_tabela = r_eeprom(M_inicio_tab); // recupera o vetor de inicio da tabela
if (inicio_tabela && inicio_tabela != 7) // Se n�o for 0 ou 7, zera
inicio_tabela = 0;
timer_10ms = 10;
v1_220 = (float)(p2_220 - p3_220)/32;
v1_127 = (float)(p2_127 - p3_127)/39;
//Inicializa��o do display
} |
The CCS version is 3.324. This code run on PIC16F876 (without the setup_comparators and ANSEL configuration and with teh CCP configuration, with is used to change the LCD contrast)
The commentary are in portuguese. _________________ Paulo Bernardi |
Joined: 08 Sep 2003 Posts: 92 Location: Glasgow, UK
Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 10:45 am |
One of the first things I had to do with the 16F913, was to disable the LCD module, as it prevented ports C0, C1 and C2 from working. |
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