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Joined: 27 Jun 2004 Posts: 12 Location: M�XICO
3.204 & 3.205 Bug (part 1) |
Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 8:04 am |
1) I am using PIC18F252 with external I2C FRAM memory. I2C signals are software generated.
2) Two weeks ago I was using PCWH 3.180 and had no problems with reading/writting the FRAM memories but was running out of code space.
3) I switched to PCWH 3.202 and obtained big code reduction. The program malfunctioned from time to time and I found out it was related with FRAM access.
4) I switched to PCWH 3.204 and the program malfunctioned 100% of the times. Switched to PCWH 3.205 and same story.
5) I wrote a small diagnostic routine that writes and then reads from the FRAM memory and left some global declarations from the original application. I found out that with the global declaration int buffer_ibutton[4]; the diagnostic signals no error with the FRAM memory 99% of the times I run it. If I change the global declaration to int buffer_ibutton[8]; the diagnostic routine always signals an error with the FRAM memory. The global variable int buffer_ibutton[n]; is never used.
6) In part 2 of this topic you can find the file OK.C which includes the global declaration int buffer_ibutton[4] and the corresponding OK.lst file. In part 3 of this topic I am including the file NOK.C which includes the global declaration int buffer_ibutton[8] and the corresponding NOK.lst file. The generated code for each case is different.
Can anybody confirm if this is a compiler bug ???
Thanks in advance,
Aaron |
Joined: 18 Mar 2004 Posts: 3680 Location: The Netherlands
Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 11:00 am |
Edit: Remark obsolete and removed.
Last edited by ckielstra on Tue Jul 13, 2004 1:33 am; edited 1 time in total |
Joined: 27 Jun 2004 Posts: 12 Location: M�XICO
Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 11:09 am |
Edit: Remark obsolete and removed.
Last edited by xpercad on Tue Jul 13, 2004 8:54 am; edited 1 time in total |
Joined: 27 Jun 2004 Posts: 12 Location: M�XICO
3.204 & 3.205 Bug (part 2) |
Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 11:18 am |
Code: |
/* OK.c */
#include <18f252.h>
#use delay(clock=40000000, RESTART_WDT)
#priority EXT,TIMER0
//#ORG 0x1F00,0x1FFF {}
#define VERSION "3"
#define DIAG 1
#include <stdlib.h>
/* MACROS */
#define hi(x) (*(&x+1))
#define lo(x) (*(&x))
// Bus I2C (FRAM)
// Leds
// Salidas binarias
#define RELAY_1 PIN_B2
#define RELAY_2 PIN_B3
#define RELAY_3 PIN_A5
/* Tamano memoria FRAM externa */
#define EEPROM_SIZE 16384
/* Tamano del buffer en RAM para Rx de mensajes */
#define SIZE_RAM_RX 768
/* maximo numero de cadenas predefinidas */
#define MAX_CADENAS 64
/* maximo numero de paquetes en un mensaje compuesto */
#define MAX_PTRS_PCKTS 64
/* estructura para manejo de paquetes recibidos */
typedef struct {
unsigned int n_pckt; /* Numero de Paquete */
unsigned int pos; /* Posicion de llegada */
PCKT ptrs_pckt[MAX_PTRS_PCKTS]; /* Arreglo de apuntadores a apuntadores de paquetes
recibidos en mensajes compuestos */
int opc_rs232; /* Indica si la opcion RS232 esta instalada */
int opc_switch; /* Indica si la opcion SWITCH esta instalada */
int opc_ibtn; /* Indica si la opcion iBUTTON esta instalada */
int opc_buzzer; /* Indica si la opcion BUZZER esta instalada */
int lst_sencillo_id[6]; /* Identificador del ultimo mensaje sencillo recibido */
int lst_compuesto_id[6]; /* Identificador del ultimo mensaje compuesto recibido */
int bitmap_rx[8]; /* Bit map de paquetes recibidos (64 bits) */
int pckts_rx; /* Numero de paquetes recibidos (mensajes compuestos) */
int tot_pckts_rx; /* Numero de total de paquetes a recibir (mensajes compuestos) */
int n_pckt; /* Indicador de numero de paquete activo p/rd_pckts.c */
long dir_n_pckt; /* Siguiente direccion a leer p/rd_pckts.c */
long n_bytes_leidos; /* Numero de bytes leidos del paquete activo p/rd_pckts.c */
long int pckt_size; /* Tamano del paquete activo p/rd_pckts.c */
long ptr_fram_rx_w; /* Apuntador para escrituras en buffer FRAM_RX */
long int lst_fram_address; /* Ultima localidad en FRAM accesada por R/W sequenciales */
int fram_status; /* Estado FRAM
0: Cerrada
1: Abierta p/Lectura Sequencial
2: Abierta p/Escritura Sequencial
int hi_nibble_address; /* Nibble alto del ultimo banco de FRAM accesado por R/W sequenciales */
long int ptr_nxt_cadena; /* Apuntador a direccion disponible para carga de CADENAS */
int aplicacion; /* indica si la aplicacion es AUOMOTRIZ o CONTROL_REMOTO */
int rx_en_proceso; /* Bandera que indica si hay
recepcion POCSAG en proceso
int rx_decoder[4]; /* Buffer para depositar los 4
bytes que se leen del POCSAG Decoder
int capcode_rx; /* CAPCODE logico (0..7) en el que
se esta recibiendo mensaje POCSAG
int fbits_rx; /* Function Bits del mensaje POCSAG
que se esta recibiendo
int func_rx; /* Funcion (1: Alfa 0: Numerico) que corresponde
al CAPCODE y Function Bits del mensaje
POCSAG que se esta recibiendo
int caracter; /* Contiene el caracter del mensaje POCSAG
que se esta recibiendo
int bit_caracter; /* Contiene el numero de bit del caracter
del mensaje POCSAG que se esta recibiendo
int ciclo_paralizacion; /* Bandera que indica si el ciclo de
paralizacion esta activo
int num_beeps; /* Numero de beeps para beep_offline() */
int delay_beep; /* Retardo en mS entre beeps para beep_offline() */
int delay_beep_buzzer; /* Retardo en mS entre beeps buzzer */
int num_beeps_buzzer; /* Numero de beeps buzzer */
/* Arreglos para manejo de secuencias */
int sec_flag[3]; // Indica secuencia activa
long sec_cont[3]; // Contador del periodo activo
int sec_edo[3]; // Estado de la salida
int sec_cont_activo[3]; // Indica contador de periodo activo
long sec_periodo_1[3]; // Valor periodo 1
long sec_periodo_2[3]; // Valor periodo 2
long sec_num_tran[3]; // Numero de transiciones de la secuencia
int buffer_ibutton[4]; /* Esta declaracion genera error int buffer_ibutton[8]; */
/* A partir de [6] inclusive se genera el error */
#use i2c(master,sda=EEPROM_SDA, scl=EEPROM_SCL, FAST, RESTART_WDT)
void init_ext_eeprom(void) {
} /* void init_ext_eeprom(void) */
void write_ext_eeprom(int16 address, byte data) {
byte cmd;
cmd = hi(address);
cmd >>= 4;
cmd &= 0xFE;
cmd |= 0xa0;
} /* end void write_ext_eeprom(int16 address, byte data) */
byte read_ext_eeprom(long int address) {
byte data, cmd;
if (address < EEPROM_SIZE) {
cmd = hi(address);
cmd >>= 4;
cmd &= 0xFE;
cmd |= 0xa0;
cmd |= 0x01;
} /* end if (address < EEPROM_SIZE) */
} /* end byte read_ext_eeprom(long int address) */
void diagnostico(void) {
int32 serie;
int buff[11],error, lectura;
int16 cont;
for (cont=0; cont<10; cont++) {
} /* end for (cont=0; cont<10; cont++) */
error = 0x00;
for (cont=0; cont<10; cont++) {
lectura = read_ext_eeprom(cont);
if (lectura != lo(cont)) {
error = 0xFF;
} /* end for (cont=0; cont<10; cont++) */
for (cont=0; cont<16384; cont++) {
} /* end for (cont=0; cont<16384; cont++) */
while(1) {
if (error) {
else {
} /* end if (error) */
} /* end while(1) */
} /* end void diagnostico(void) */
void main(void) {
/* Para evitar transitorios */
} /* end void main(void) */
Joined: 27 Jun 2004 Posts: 12 Location: M�XICO
3.204 & 3.205 Bug (part 3) |
Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 11:20 am |
Code: |
/* NOK.C */
#include <18f252.h>
#use delay(clock=40000000, RESTART_WDT)
#priority EXT,TIMER0
//#ORG 0x1F00,0x1FFF {}
#define VERSION "3"
#define DIAG 1
#include <stdlib.h>
/* MACROS */
#define hi(x) (*(&x+1))
#define lo(x) (*(&x))
// Bus I2C (FRAM)
// Leds
// Salidas binarias
#define RELAY_1 PIN_B2
#define RELAY_2 PIN_B3
#define RELAY_3 PIN_A5
/* Tamano memoria FRAM externa */
#define EEPROM_SIZE 16384
/* Tamano del buffer en RAM para Rx de mensajes */
#define SIZE_RAM_RX 768
/* maximo numero de cadenas predefinidas */
#define MAX_CADENAS 64
/* maximo numero de paquetes en un mensaje compuesto */
#define MAX_PTRS_PCKTS 64
/* estructura para manejo de paquetes recibidos */
typedef struct {
unsigned int n_pckt; /* Numero de Paquete */
unsigned int pos; /* Posicion de llegada */
PCKT ptrs_pckt[MAX_PTRS_PCKTS]; /* Arreglo de apuntadores a apuntadores de paquetes
recibidos en mensajes compuestos */
int opc_rs232; /* Indica si la opcion RS232 esta instalada */
int opc_switch; /* Indica si la opcion SWITCH esta instalada */
int opc_ibtn; /* Indica si la opcion iBUTTON esta instalada */
int opc_buzzer; /* Indica si la opcion BUZZER esta instalada */
int lst_sencillo_id[6]; /* Identificador del ultimo mensaje sencillo recibido */
int lst_compuesto_id[6]; /* Identificador del ultimo mensaje compuesto recibido */
int bitmap_rx[8]; /* Bit map de paquetes recibidos (64 bits) */
int pckts_rx; /* Numero de paquetes recibidos (mensajes compuestos) */
int tot_pckts_rx; /* Numero de total de paquetes a recibir (mensajes compuestos) */
int n_pckt; /* Indicador de numero de paquete activo p/rd_pckts.c */
long dir_n_pckt; /* Siguiente direccion a leer p/rd_pckts.c */
long n_bytes_leidos; /* Numero de bytes leidos del paquete activo p/rd_pckts.c */
long int pckt_size; /* Tamano del paquete activo p/rd_pckts.c */
long ptr_fram_rx_w; /* Apuntador para escrituras en buffer FRAM_RX */
long int lst_fram_address; /* Ultima localidad en FRAM accesada por R/W sequenciales */
int fram_status; /* Estado FRAM
0: Cerrada
1: Abierta p/Lectura Sequencial
2: Abierta p/Escritura Sequencial
int hi_nibble_address; /* Nibble alto del ultimo banco de FRAM accesado por R/W sequenciales */
long int ptr_nxt_cadena; /* Apuntador a direccion disponible para carga de CADENAS */
int aplicacion; /* indica si la aplicacion es AUOMOTRIZ o CONTROL_REMOTO */
int rx_en_proceso; /* Bandera que indica si hay
recepcion POCSAG en proceso
int rx_decoder[4]; /* Buffer para depositar los 4
bytes que se leen del POCSAG Decoder
int capcode_rx; /* CAPCODE logico (0..7) en el que
se esta recibiendo mensaje POCSAG
int fbits_rx; /* Function Bits del mensaje POCSAG
que se esta recibiendo
int func_rx; /* Funcion (1: Alfa 0: Numerico) que corresponde
al CAPCODE y Function Bits del mensaje
POCSAG que se esta recibiendo
int caracter; /* Contiene el caracter del mensaje POCSAG
que se esta recibiendo
int bit_caracter; /* Contiene el numero de bit del caracter
del mensaje POCSAG que se esta recibiendo
int ciclo_paralizacion; /* Bandera que indica si el ciclo de
paralizacion esta activo
int num_beeps; /* Numero de beeps para beep_offline() */
int delay_beep; /* Retardo en mS entre beeps para beep_offline() */
int delay_beep_buzzer; /* Retardo en mS entre beeps buzzer */
int num_beeps_buzzer; /* Numero de beeps buzzer */
/* Arreglos para manejo de secuencias */
int sec_flag[3]; // Indica secuencia activa
long sec_cont[3]; // Contador del periodo activo
int sec_edo[3]; // Estado de la salida
int sec_cont_activo[3]; // Indica contador de periodo activo
long sec_periodo_1[3]; // Valor periodo 1
long sec_periodo_2[3]; // Valor periodo 2
long sec_num_tran[3]; // Numero de transiciones de la secuencia
int buffer_ibutton[8]; /* Esta declaracion genera error int buffer_ibutton[8]; */
/* A partir de [6] inclusive se genera el error */
#use i2c(master,sda=EEPROM_SDA, scl=EEPROM_SCL, FAST, RESTART_WDT)
void init_ext_eeprom(void) {
} /* void init_ext_eeprom(void) */
void write_ext_eeprom(int16 address, byte data) {
byte cmd;
cmd = hi(address);
cmd >>= 4;
cmd &= 0xFE;
cmd |= 0xa0;
} /* end void write_ext_eeprom(int16 address, byte data) */
byte read_ext_eeprom(long int address) {
byte data, cmd;
if (address < EEPROM_SIZE) {
cmd = hi(address);
cmd >>= 4;
cmd &= 0xFE;
cmd |= 0xa0;
cmd |= 0x01;
} /* end if (address < EEPROM_SIZE) */
} /* end byte read_ext_eeprom(long int address) */
void diagnostico(void) {
int32 serie;
int buff[11],error, lectura;
int16 cont;
for (cont=0; cont<10; cont++) {
} /* end for (cont=0; cont<10; cont++) */
error = 0x00;
for (cont=0; cont<10; cont++) {
lectura = read_ext_eeprom(cont);
if (lectura != lo(cont)) {
error = 0xFF;
} /* end for (cont=0; cont<10; cont++) */
for (cont=0; cont<16384; cont++) {
} /* end for (cont=0; cont<16384; cont++) */
while(1) {
if (error) {
else {
} /* end if (error) */
} /* end while(1) */
} /* end void diagnostico(void) */
void main(void) {
/* Para evitar transitorios */
} /* end void main(void) */
valemike Guest
Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 11:21 am |
I am also using a PIC18F252 in one of my projects.
Using PCHW 3.187, all was fine, and my generated .hex file was at around 85%. When I tried using 3.202, I saw the generated code go down to 35% (?). My first thought was, "Wow! Pretty good."
Then when I tried running it, nothing worked.
So I rewinded back to 3.187 and it worked again. I haven't tried 3.204 on it, but I do know that 3.204 works fine for my 16F projects.
When my once-working code stops working for one reason or another, i usually make it a personal habit to rewind to a previous compiler version rather than pulling out my hair trying to inspect the code. |
Joined: 27 Jun 2004 Posts: 12 Location: M�XICO
Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 11:34 am |
Thanks for your comments valemike !!!
Unfortunately, I can not go back to 3.180. The generated code won't fit in the PIC18F252 !!!
With the code generated by 3.205 I still have 12% of ROM to spare; bad news is it doesn't work.
Aaron |
C-H Wu Guest
3.205 bug with pointer ? BSR bug again ! ? ? |
Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 8:42 pm |
I compiled your code and found something strange, to make it short, here is my simple suggestion:
1. instead of using hi(x), try simpler code (int8)(x>>8)
2. instead of using lo(x), try simpler code (int8)(x)
The resulting code is not only shorter, but also more robust, i.e. less bug.
Best wishes
C-H Wu
Here is the long story,
Regarding your NOK.c, here are some listing
Code: | 0000 01930 .................... void write_ext_eeprom(int16 address, byte data)
0000 01931 .................... {
0000 01932 .................... byte cmd;
0000 01933 .................... cmd = hi(address);
0080 0E01 01934 MOVLW 01
0082 CFE8 FFEA 01935 MOVFF FE8,FEA
0086 0E02 01936 MOVLW 02
0088 6EE9 01937 MOVWF FE9
008A CFEF F104 01938 MOVFF FEF,104
0000 01939 ....................
0000 01940 .................... cmd >>= 4;
008E 3B04 01941 SWAPF x04,F <--- BSR is '1' or '0' ????
0090 0E0F 01942 MOVLW 0F
0092 1704 01943 ANDWF x04,F
0000 01944 .................... cmd &= 0xFE;
0094 9104 01945 BCF x04.0
the BSR (Bank Select Register) setting is missing ! the variable 'cmd' is located at 0x104, however, BSR was set to 0 before calling write_ext_eeprom, as a result, the instruction cmd >>=4 did not work on 0x104 but actually work on 0x04 ! this is the BUG !
Code: | 0000 02201 .................... write_ext_eeprom(cont,0xFF);
02B6 C0FF F102 02202 MOVFF FF,102
02BA C0FE F101 02203 MOVFF FE,101
02BE 0EFF 02204 MOVLW FF
02C0 0101 02205 MOVLB 1
02C2 6F03 02206 MOVWF x03
02C4 0100 02207 MOVLB 0 <-- set BSR to 0 before calling write_ext_eeprom
02C6 DEDC 02208 RCALL 0080
0000 02209 .................... restart_wdt();
Let's workaround the bug by using ... cmd = (int8)(address>>8);
now, everything is fine ! and the code is shorter than pointer operation
Code: | 0000 01930 .................... void write_ext_eeprom(int16 address, byte data)
0000 01931 .................... {
0000 01932 .................... byte cmd;
0000 01933 .................... // cmd = hi(address);
0000 01934 .................... cmd = (int8)(address>>8);
0080 0101 01935 MOVLB 1 <--- set BSR to '1'
0082 5102 01936 MOVF x02,W
0084 6A03 01937 CLRF 03
0086 6F04 01938 MOVWF x04
0000 01939 .................... cmd >>= 4;
0088 3B04 01940 SWAPF x04,F
008A 0E0F 01941 MOVLW 0F
008C 1704 01942 ANDWF x04,F
0000 01943 .................... cmd &= 0xFE;
008E 9104 01944 BCF x04.0
The reason why setting buffer_ibutton[8] crash the code while int buffer_ibutton[4] works fine can be found from the .SYM file, with buffer_ibutton[8], write_ext_eeprom.cmd is located at 0x104, which will require BSR switching,
Code: | 104 @I2C_READ_1_31747_31746_40000000.P1
104 write_ext_eeprom.cmd
104 read_ext_eeprom.@SCRATCH
with buffer_ibutton[2], write_ext_eeprom.cmd is located at 0xFE, which will _NOT_ require BSR switching,
Code: | 0FD read_ext_eeprom.cmd
0FE @I2C_READ_1_31747_31746_40000000.P1
0FE write_ext_eeprom.cmd
0FE read_ext_eeprom.@SCRATCH
The button line is, keep your code simple, don't use pointer unless you really need it.
Best wishes
C-H Wu |
C-H Wu Guest
3.205 Bug report ... BSR with pointer operation ... |
Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 10:26 pm |
To whom it may concern:
The following code is a simplified version base on xpercad's code,
this program demonstrate BSR setting is missing in case of mixed pointer operation ...
Code: | // bug_3205_BSR_pointer by C-H Wu 2004/07/13
#include <18F458.H>
#use delay ( clock = 20000000 )
#use rs232 ( baud = 115200, xmit=PIN_C6, rcv=PIN_C7 )
#define hi(x) (*(&x+1))
#reserve 0x08 : 0xf0 // This line bring out the BSR BUG !
int16 x_int16[4];
int8 x_int8 [8];
void buggy(int16 address, int8 data)
int8 cmd, tmp;
// cmd = (int8)(address>>8); // no bug if using this simple code to ...
// replace the following ... cmd = hi(...)
cmd = hi(address);
tmp = cmd << 4; // BUG! if BSR change is required
// BSR setting is missing, due to ...
// the pointer operation in ... cmd = hi(...)
printf("address= 0x%04LX, cmd= 0x%02LX, tmp= 0x%02X\r\n",address,cmd,tmp);
void main(void)
int16 addr = 0x0123;
int8 val = 0x45;
printf("\r\n\nBSR bug hunter . . \r\n");
x_int16[0] = 0x6789;
buggy ( x_int16[0], val );
buggy ( addr, val );
the result of the instruction tmp = cmd << 4; is _NOT_ correct, variable 'tmp' remain unchanged.
Code: | 0000 00464 .................... void buggy(int16 address, int8 data)
0000 00465 .................... {
0000 00466 .................... int8 cmd, tmp;
0000 00467 ....................
0000 00468 .................... // cmd = (int8)(address>>8); // no bug if using this simple code to ...
0000 00469 .................... // replace the following ... cmd = hi(...)
0000 00470 .................... cmd = hi(address);
00B6 0E01 00471 MOVLW 01
00BC 0E05 00473 MOVLW 05
00BE 6EE9 00474 MOVWF FE9
00C0 CFEF F107 00475 MOVFF FEF,107
0000 00476 ....................
0000 00477 .................... tmp = cmd << 4; // BUG! if BSR change is required
00C4 3907 00478 SWAPF x07,W <-- BSR change is missing !
00C6 6F08 00479 MOVWF x08
00C8 0EF0 00480 MOVLW F0
00CA 1708 00481 ANDWF x08,F
0000 00482 .................... // BSR setting is missing, due to ...
0000 00483 .................... // the pointer operation in ... cmd = hi(...)
0000 00484 ....................
0000 00485 .................... printf("address= 0x%04LX, cmd= 0x%02LX, tmp= 0x%02X\r\n",address,cmd,tmp);
Comment: in case of frequent RAM bank selection and switching is required, say, heavy RAM usage, using simple code like cmd = (int8)(address>>8); instead of pointer operation cmd = *(&address+1); avoid this kind of tricky bug.
Best wishes
C-H Wu
p.s. I will e-mail CCS to report this bug later and wait for 3.206 |
C-H Wu Guest
Re: 3.205 Bug |
Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 10:42 pm |
lower optimization level, #opt 8, with PCH 3.205, does not have this bug.
it is related to level 9, #opt 9, the default optimization level.
Someone said long long time ago, whenever you see 'optimization improved' in CCS's current version information page, then, be prepared, there will be a line 'optimization bug fixed' coming out later.
Best wishes
C-H Wu |
C-H Wu Guest
To xpercad: 3.187 vs. 3.205 |
Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 11:51 pm |
Hi, xpercad:
PCWH 3.187 with #opt 10, the beta optimization, does not have this bug.
3.188 ~ 3.205, including the base line version 3.191 for download, have a lot of this kind BSR bugs.
PCWH 3.187 with #opt 10 wight reduce code space to the level you need, roughly 10 ~ 15% reduction compared with 3.180.
Best wishes
C-H Wu
By the way, thanks for your sample code, I decided to go back to 3.187 + #opt 10 instead of 3.205. |
what bug have you found... |
Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2004 11:53 pm |
We cannot spend hours reading 100's of lines of code.
Give us 5 lines of C code and the LST showing the bug... |
C-H Wu Guest
Re: what bug have you found... |
Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 12:04 am |
Hi, Guest:
bug identified, however, 5 lines of code can not demo the bug.
please read and/or run my demo code in my previous post "3.205 Bug report ... BSR with pointer operation ... ", I hope 50 lines is too much.
I am grateful to his finding and post regarding this BSR bug.
C-H Wu |
Re: what bug have you found... |
Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 7:12 am |
C-H Wu wrote: | Hi, Guest:
bug identified, however, 5 lines of code can not demo the bug.
please read and/or run my demo code in my previous post "3.205 Bug report ... BSR with pointer operation ... ", I hope 50 lines is too much.
I am grateful to his finding and post regarding this BSR bug.
C-H Wu |
I started to scrol down and gave up.....Thanks for condensing this..
The big question : HAS IT BEEN REPORTED TO CCS ? |
Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2004 7:34 am |
Hi C-H Wu,
I can't thank you enough for your time and interest !!!
I reported the bug to CCS yesterday and the reply was:
This message is a reply to CCS e-mail id: 4G2360
I did not spot any problem differences in the code.
Try #opt 5 and see if that makes it start working.
You could also try changing your macros to this:
#define hi(x) (x>>8)
#define lo(x) (x&0xff)
Let me know if either corrects your problem.
I did make the changes and the program worked with either of them or with both. But I surely remained very hesitant because not knowing what exactly the problem was, makes me think I might run into trouble somewhere else in the code. With the insight you have provided I can now feel better.
Using #opt 5 does not work for me because my application will not fit, so I am using the other trick.
Just to wrap things up, I was aware of the pointer complication of using the macros:
#define hi(x) (*(&x+1))
#define lo(x) (*(&x))
the benefit is that you can use them either on the left or right side of an expression indiferently.
Best Wishes and once again Thank You |
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