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output_float vs set_tris_c() ?

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output_float vs set_tris_c() ?
PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 8:23 am     Reply with quote

Dear all,

Referring to the file write & read external eeprom, there are 2 lines:


In the ccs manual, it is stated that output_float is used to:
Sets the specified pin to the input mode. This will allow the pin to float high to represent a high on an open collector type of connection.

May I know what is meant by the second sentence <This will allow...> ?

To make a pin high, why can't we use set_tris_b(...)?
Is there any difference between the 2?

Thanks a lot

Re: output_float vs set_tris_c() ?
PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 9:12 am     Reply with quote

Einly wrote:
Dear all,

Referring to the file write & read external eeprom, there are 2 lines:


In the ccs manual, it is stated that output_float is used to:
Sets the specified pin to the input mode. This will allow the pin to float high to represent a high on an open collector type of connection.

May I know what is meant by the second sentence <This will allow...> ?

To make a pin high, why can't we use set_tris_b(...)?
Is there any difference between the 2?

Thanks a lot

The 'key' difference, is that the output_float instruction deals with a single pin. Effectively it is equivalent to reading the TRIS register, setting the single bit for the designated pin, and writing this back to the register.

Best Wishes
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