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Kbhit() question

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Kbhit() question
PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 2:25 am     Reply with quote

Hello everybody.I have make a program with something like this:
if (kbhit()) do {...}

thinking that the program wait for a character on rs232 bus and start to do something after this.But isn't so.To work I must write something like this:
while(!kbhit()) do {...}

Can someone help me to understand it?Thank you.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 3:27 am     Reply with quote

The code with the "if(condition)" statment exits immediatly if the condition is not true. So, for example, if the UART buffer is empty, the condition

if (kbhit())

is not true, and the program counter skip ahead.

The second code is different. The "while(condition)" statment waits for the condition becomes true. In this case your code stays hanged here

while (!kbhit())

waiting for a character in the UART buffer.

If you are writing code with the WDT activated, consider to use


#use delay (clock=4000000, RESTART_WDT)
#fuses WDT

to allow the automatic restart of the watchdog in particular cases, i.e. the while() statments (and also the delay_us() and delay_ms() CCS routine, etc).

Best regards.


PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 3:36 am     Reply with quote

Thank you for your answer. But I think my question wasn't very clear.
With the istruction
 if(kbhit()) do {...}
the program execute the code in {} brackets without waiting for a key press.This is because on the rs232 there is ever a communication?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 5:42 am     Reply with quote

Probably yes. Test with a

char c;

if (kbhit()) {

Else, post your code.


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 5:43 am     Reply with quote

Paolino wrote:

The code with the "if(condition)" statment exits immediatly if the condition
is not true. So, for example, if the UART buffer is empty, the condition Code:

if (kbhit())

is not true, and the program counter skip ahead.

Wrong. kbhit() doesn�t test any buffer status.
kbhit() test only if the Start BIT had been received. In other words,
test if the assigned RCV_PIN is LOW.

PicNewboy wrote:


With the istruction Code:
if(kbhit()) do {...}
the program execute the code in {} brackets without waiting for a key
press.This is because on the rs232 there is ever a communication?

Check the level of the RCV_PIN, it must be stable High without receiving
characters, in iddle state.


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PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 6:24 am     Reply with quote

Wrong. kbhit() doesn�t test any buffer status.
kbhit() test only if the Start BIT had been received. In other words,
test if the assigned RCV_PIN is LOW.

Wrong if he is using the hardware uart

"If the RS232 is hardware this function returns TRUE is a character has been received and is waiting in the hardware buffer for getc() to read."

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Re: Kbhit() question
PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2005 1:54 pm     Reply with quote

PicNewboy wrote:
Hello everybody.I have make a program with something like this:
if (kbhit()) do {...}

thinking that the program wait for a character on rs232 bus and start to do something after this.But isn't so.To work I must write something like this:
while(!kbhit()) do {...}

Can someone help me to understand it?Thank you.

while(!kbhit());  //wait for a KB hit (notice the semicolon at the end meaning nothing is in the loop, just the argument)
//if KB hit continue
rest of code.....

I think this is what you wanted to do. Wait for something on the rs232 and then execute code. There is no such thing as do {...} in C. There is a do {...}while();.

kbhit() is used for polling. Understanding your loops correctly will help.
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