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Need help for USB HID report descriptor

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Need help for USB HID report descriptor
PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:14 am     Reply with quote

Hi Guys,

I have already search in differents topics of the CCS forum, but I can't find a solution for my problem.
I need your help !!!
I'am building a Thermostat USB with the example provide by CCS (ex_usb_hid.c).
I'am using a PIC 18F2550
I know that my problem come from the HID report descriptor.
I have searched differents example but nothing can't help me.

I can receive my 11 data of one byte from the PIC to my computer.
I am using a Visual Basic application created by Hidmaker (Tracesystems) to communicate with the windows HID driver.
My problem is the other side:
I send 7 data of one byte to the PIC from my computer, my application is saying to me that it's done, but when I look the watches in the debbuger mode, I see that I receive only the last data not all of my data.

This my main C code:
while (TRUE) {

// Gestion de la sonde et acquisition de la valeur de temp�rature

// Gestion du relais

// Usb task

// Fonction usb_debug_task qui affiche sur la liaison s�rie les echanges de
// communication du bus USB


// Si l'enumaration est faite alors nous pouvons communiquer
if (usb_enumerated()) {//Si la fonction �num�ration est vraie alors
if (!send_timer) {//Si le timer est different de 0

// Envoie des valeurs au PC
out_data[0]=45; // InTempVarLsb valeur du poid faible de la temp�rature
out_data[1]=1; // InTempVarMsb valeur du poid fort de la temp�rature

out_data[2]=1; // IntempLowVarLsb valeur du poid faible de la temp�rature de d�clenchement TL
out_data[3]=1; // IntempLowVarMsb valeur du poid fort de la temp�rature de d�clenchement TL

out_data[4]=2; // InTempHighVarLsb valeur du poid faible de la temp�rature de d�clenchement TH
out_data[5]=2; // InTempHighVarMsb valeur du poid fort de la temp�rature de d�clenchement TH

out_data[6]=19; // InSwitchVar variable non utilis�
out_data[7]=97; // InModeStatus variable de l'etat du mode du relais
out_data[8]=Heater_sensor.ds18b20_status; // InsondeStatus, 0 tout est ok ,1 ligne one wire court-circuit�e,
// 2 pas de capteur et 3 erreur de crc lors de la lecture de la temp�rature;
out_data[9]='c'; // InBootStatus variable dedier au bootloader
out_data[10]=relais; // InEtatRelay variable de l'�tat du relais 0 ou 1

if (usb_put_packet(1, out_data, 11, USB_DTS_TOGGLE))
printf("\r\n<-- Sending 2 bytes: 0x%X 0x%X", out_data[0], out_data[1]);

// r�ception des valeurs depuis le PC
if (usb_kbhit(1)) {
usb_get_packet(1, in_data, 7);
printf("\r\n--> Received data: 0x%X 0x%X",in_data[0],in_data[1]);
if (in_data[0]) {LED_ON(LED_RELAY);} else {LED_OFF(LED_RELAY);}
if (in_data[1]) {LED_ON(LED_ERROR);} else {LED_OFF(LED_ERROR);}
test = in_data[0];
test2 = in_data[1];
test3 = in_data[2];

This is my report descriptor:

const char USB_CLASS_SPECIFIC_DESC[] = {
6, 0, 255, // Usage Page = Vendor Defined
9, 1, // Usage = IO device
0xa1, 1, // Collection = Application
0x19, 1, // Usage minimum
0x29, 11, // Usage maximum

0x15, 0x80, // Logical minimum (-128)
0x25, 0x7F, // Logical maximum (127)
// The input report (PIC to the PC)
0x75, 8, // Report size = 8 (bits)
0x95, 11, // Report count = 16 bits (2 bytes)
0x81, 2, // Input (Data, Var, Abs)
// The output report (PC to the PIC)
0x19, 1, // Usage minimum
0x19, 12, // Usage maximum
0x75, 8, // Report size = 8 (bits)
0x95, 7, // Report count = 16 bits (2 bytes)
0x91, 2, // Output (Data, Var, Abs)
0xc0 // End Collection

//if a class has an extra descriptor not part of the config descriptor,
// this lookup table defines where to look for it in the const
//first element is the config number (if your device has more than one config)
//second element is which interface number
//set element to 0xFFFF if this config/interface combo doesn't exist
//config 1
//interface 0

//if a class has an extra descriptor not part of the config descriptor,
// this lookup table defines the size of that descriptor.
//first element is the config number (if your device has more than one config)
//second element is which interface number
//set element to 0xFFFF if this config/interface combo doesn't exist
//config 1
//interface 0

This is the result of my VB application:

est results: 15.06.2006 13:35:11

Device # 1:
+ + + A Report has just ARRIVED. + + +
Report num in current Interface = 1
Report num in global report list = 0
//It's come from the PIC
InTempVarLsb 45
InTempVarMsb 1
InTempLowVarLsb 1
InTempLowVarMsb 1
InTempHighVarLsb 2
InTempHighVarMsb 2
InTempSwitchVar 19
InModeStatus 97
InSondeStatus 0
InBootStatus 99
InEtatRelay 0
//It's send to the pic
Wrote to device: OutTempLowVarLsb = 0x1
Wrote to device: OutTempLowVarMsb = 0x2
Wrote to device: OutTempHighVarLsb = 0x3
Wrote to device: OutTempHighVarMsb = 0x4
Wrote to device: OutModeRelayVar = 0x5
Wrote to device: OutBootStatus = 0x6
Wrote to device: OutBootVar = 0x7
+ + + A Report has just been SELECTED. + + +
Report num in global report list = 1

Successfully wrote to device

This is my debbuger result :

out_data = (45,1,1,1,2,2,19,97,0,99,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)

in_data = (7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
---->Wrote to device: OutBootVar = 0x7

I hope there is enough informations to solve my problem.
Thanks in advance.
risou550 Very Happy
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