Joined: 27 Mar 2010 Posts: 1
Warning 228 Memory not available available at requested loc |
Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 12:45 pm |
I am currently developing a project using a PIC18f4520. I am using the #rom directive to store some constants in the program memory my project puts characters from a PS/2 keyboard on the CRT of an analogue osciloscope. I made this project on a pic16f877 and it worked fine but I needed more RAM so I switched on 18f4520 and this warning still appears.
Quote: |
>>> Warning 228 "D:\ADI\Adi\Ps2_Vacaru\lookup.h" Line 11(2,5): Memory not available at requested location
>>> Warning 228 "D:\ADI\Adi\Ps2_Vacaru\lookup.h" Line 14(2,5): Memory not available at requested location
>>> Warning 228 "D:\ADI\Adi\Ps2_Vacaru\lookup.h" Line 17(2,5): Memory not available at requested location
>>> Warning 228 "D:\ADI\Adi\Ps2_Vacaru\lookup.h" Line 19(2,5): Memory not available at requested location
>>> Warning 228 "ps2main.c" Line 16(2,5): Memory not available at requested location
>>> Warning 228 "ps2main.c" Line 17(2,5): Memory not available at requested location
>>> Warning 228 "ps2main.c" Line 19(2,5): Memory not available at requested location
>>> Warning 228 "ps2main.c" Line 20(2,5): Memory not available at requested location
>>> Warning 228 "ps2main.c" Line 21(2,5): Memory not available at requested location
>>> Warning 228 "ps2main.c" Line 22(2,5): Memory not available at requested location
>>> Warning 228 "ps2main.c" Line 23(2,5): Memory not available at requested location
>>> Warning 228 "ps2main.c" Line 24(2,5): Memory not available at requested location
>>> Warning 228 "ps2main.c" Line 29(2,5): Memory not available at requested location
>>> Warning 228 "ps2main.c" Line 31(2,5): Memory not available at requested location
>>> Warning 228 "ps2main.c" Line 32(2,5): Memory not available at requested location
>>> Warning 228 "ps2main.c" Line 34(2,5): Memory not available at requested location
>>> Warning 228 "ps2main.c" Line 36(2,5): Memory not available at requested location
>>> Warning 228 "ps2main.c" Line 37(2,5): Memory not available at requested location
>>> Warning 228 "ps2main.c" Line 39(2,5): Memory not available at requested location
And characters stored at certain locations in memory don't work. I tried changing the locations but the warning still appears whatever I do I still get 19 of this warnings. PLEASE HELP ME.
Here are the the memory locations I use:
Code: |
#rom 0x42A7 = {33 ,66 ,198,231,99 ,165,132,99 ,165,33 ,66 ,198,231,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0}//X
#rom 0x4423 = {165,198,231,132,33 ,66 ,99 ,132,165,231,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0}//Y
#rom 0x421B = {33 ,165,198,33 ,132,231,33 ,132,231,33 ,132,231,66 ,99 ,231,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0}//S
#rom 0x436F = {231,231,33 ,66 ,99 ,132,165,198,231,231,231,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0}//T
#rom 0x44AF = {66 ,99 ,132,165,198,231,33 ,33 ,33 ,66 ,99 ,132,165,198,231,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0}//U
#rom 0x4243 = {66 ,99 ,132,165,198,231,33 ,66 ,99 ,132,33 ,66 ,99 ,132,165,198,231,0 ,0 ,0}//W
#rom 0x4347 = {99 ,132,165,198,231,66 ,33 ,66 ,99 ,132,165,198,231,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0}//V
#rom 0x4207 = {33 ,66 ,231,33 ,99 ,132,231,33 ,132,231,33 ,132,165,231,33 ,198,231,0 ,0 ,0}//Z
#rom 0x45DB = {33 ,66 ,99 ,132,165,198,231,33 ,33 ,33 ,33 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0}//L
#rom 0x522f = {33 ,66 ,99 ,132,165,198,99 ,231,99 ,231,99 ,231,33 ,66 ,99 ,132,165,198,0 ,0}//A
#rom 0x43FB = {33 ,66 ,99 ,132,165,198,231,132,132,132,33 ,66 ,99 ,132,165,198,231,0 ,0 ,0}//H
#rom 0x453B = {33 ,231,33 ,66 ,99 ,132,165,198,231,33 ,231,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0}//I
#rom 0x449B = {66 ,33 ,33 ,231,66 ,99 ,132,165,198,231,231,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0}//J
#rom 0x4527 = {33 ,66 ,99 ,132,165,198,231,132,99 ,165,33 ,198,33 ,231,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0}//K
#rom 0x4487 = {33 ,66 ,99 ,132,165,198,231,198,132,265,198,33 ,66 ,99 ,132,165,198,231,0 ,0}//M
#rom 0x43D3 = {33 ,66 ,99 ,132,165,198,231,165,132,99 ,33 ,66 ,99 ,132,165,198,231,0 ,0 ,0}//N
#rom 0x454F = {66 ,99 ,132,165,198,33 ,231,33 ,231,33 ,231,66 ,99 ,132,165,198,0 ,0 ,0 ,0}//O
#rom 0x436B = {33 ,66 ,99 ,132,165,198,231,132,231,132,231,132,231,231,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0}//F 36b
#rom 0x440F = {66 ,99 ,132,165,198,33 ,198,33 ,132,231,33 ,132,231,33 ,66 ,99 ,132,198,0 ,0}//G
#rom 0x43E7 = {33 ,66 ,99 ,132,165,198,231,33 ,132,231,33 ,132,231,33 ,132,231,66 ,99 ,165,198}//B
#rom 0x4293 = {66 ,99 ,132,165,198,33 ,231,33 ,231,33 ,231,66 ,198,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0}//C
#rom 0x42BB = {33 ,66 ,99 ,132,165,198,231,33 ,231,33 ,231,66 ,198,99 ,132,165,0 ,0 ,0 ,0}//D
#rom 0x42CF = {33 ,66 ,99 ,132,165,198,231,33 ,132,231,33 ,132,231,33 ,132,231,33 ,231,0 ,0}//E
#rom 0x4603 = {33 ,66 ,99 ,132,165,198,231,132,231,132,231,132,231,165,198,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0}//P
#rom 0x41A3 = {66 ,99 ,132,165,198,33 ,231,33 ,99 ,231,66 ,231,33 ,99 ,132,165,198,0 ,0 ,0}//Q
#rom 0x4383 = {33 ,66 ,99 ,132,165,198,231,132,231,99 ,132,231,66 ,132,231,33 ,165,198,0 ,0}//R
#rom 0x4563 = {66 ,99 ,165,198,33 ,66 ,231,132,231,33 ,165,231,66 ,99 ,132,165,198,0 ,0 ,0}//0
#rom 0x41B7 = {0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,33 ,198,33 ,66 ,99 ,132,165,198,231,0 ,0 ,0}//1;
#rom 0x4257 = {33 ,198,33 ,66 ,231,33 ,99 ,231,33 ,132,231,33 ,165,198,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0}//2
#rom 0x42F7 = {66 ,231,33 ,231,33 ,165,231,33 ,132,198,231,66 ,99 ,231,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0}//3
#rom 0x42E3 = {99 ,132,99 ,165,99 ,198,33 ,66 ,99 ,132,165,198,231,99 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0}//4
#rom 0x4397 = {66 ,165,198,231,33 ,165,231,33 ,165,231,33 ,165,231,66 ,99 ,132,231,0 ,0 ,0}//5
#rom 0x4437 = {66 ,99 ,132,165,33 ,132,198,33 ,132,231,33 ,132,198,66 ,99 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0}//6
#rom 0x44C3 = {231,33 ,66 ,99 ,231,132,231,165,231,198,231,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0}//7
#rom 0x44D7 = {66 ,99 ,165,198,33 ,132,231,33 ,132,231,33 ,132,231,66 ,99 ,165,198,0 ,0 ,0}//8
#rom 0x4577 = {165,198,33 ,132,231,33 ,132,231,66 ,132,231,99 ,132,165,198,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0}//9
#rom 0x4333 = {0 , 0,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0}//Space |