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Joined: 13 May 2012
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Location: SPAIN

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PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 11:48 am     Reply with quote

Hi everybody,

I've already read all threads related to this topic in the forum, but I've not been able to solve my problem, so let me create a new one.

I'm working with PIC18F46J50 and Sparkfun IMU 6DOF ITG3200/ADXL345 ( For now, I'm trying to read accelerometer measures without success.

First of all, I have an essential doubt which I think could be the problem... Sorry if I'm asking a nonsense: I'm using I2C pins D1 (SDA2) and D0 (SCL2) because I need the SDA1 and SCL1 ones for SPI purposes. So in my code:


However, I've read from some thread about adxl345 that the option "FORCE_HW" was needed to make it work. I get the error " Option invalid Wrong pins for H/W" if I write this option (which wouldn't happen if I used SDA1 and SCL1 pins, but I can't).

I don't know if I have explained well enough... Could this be a problem, assuming my code is correct?

Thanks a lot.

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PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 12:24 pm     Reply with quote

There should not be any I2C device that _requires_ hardware operation. Generally software I2C, is much more likely to work!...

However the reason you can't select hardware, is you have not told the chip to use the hardware.
The syntax you need is:

//Tell the compiler which pins to use....
#use I2C(MASTER, I2C2)
//Tell the compiler to use the hardware port that is now connected
//to the required pins

You should also manually set the pins as inputs (this is the default, but the compiler will not set tris for you).

This is common for all peripherals using PPS.

Best Wishes
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