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Joined: 14 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 2:13 am     Reply with quote

has someone made some bonjour/zeroconf code yet? i know the arduino has some drivers for that

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:09 am     Reply with quote

Well I have no idea what you're referring to but if you have 'other' drivers, just translate into CCS C and post into the Code Library for others.
Depending on the size of the driver it might only take an hour or two.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 7:15 pm     Reply with quote

zeroconf for PIC???

in what sense do you mean?

autoIP , DDNS, and flex IP protocol stacks ???

thats a VERY VERY HI LEVEL bit of coding that sits on top of
an OS - so what is your NEED for this and what networking code are you trying to marry this too?

this topic is at once BOTH so arcane and complex - i don't see how it
would come in to play on a pic.
you need to explain a LOT More about what you think you are up to
in order to get any serious interest in your "problem"

starting with WHY DO YOU NEED THIS ??

and WHAT have YOU done in pursuit of an answer so far ?

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 4:27 pm     Reply with quote

well I was looking at trying to broadcast my services like I'm running a TCP server on my PIC without a LCD but with DHCP.

Rather than logging into my router to find the IP its using, I want to have the PIC broadcast the service and then I'll just code the client portion to lookup the services

Does this make any sense?

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 4:47 pm     Reply with quote


Does this make any sense?

IMHO - not on a 16F or 18F pic

what chip is the target for your project - and how much coding have you done so far to just operate with fixed IP addressing?

i don't see AT ALL how you plan to interface with a router
or how the PIC will do anything of use - since the ROUTER has to have
complete control over DHCP in order to GET an IP address anyway......
( you know so NAT can work right ??)


I'll just code the client portion to lookup the services

what services?
sorry it makes no sense to me at this point.

you are not going to get much help w/o revealing effort and thought on your part to do YOUR project .
just my 2 cents
Douglas Kennedy

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 8:50 am     Reply with quote

He is trying to emulate reduced router functions within the PIC. Often some assume the current hardware platform that performs a function in this case the router is the only platform. For most the internet is a complex set of protocols that doesn't dictate the hardware. Since these protocols are complex the code to implement them is also complex which usually means lots of code. Modern PIC's have much more code space so much is feasible. PIC's are often short on RAM. TCPIP stacks are available but they often leave a feature or two behind. Ex. TCPIP expects packets be re-sequenced if they arrive out of order. This is ignored in most PIC stacks but has little consequence since it takes globe size paths to make it a useful feature. I wrote a web server several years or more ago using a NE2000 chip and an MMC with a FAT16 format ( FAT16 is owned by Microsoft and the application I describe was between a Microsoft licensed OS and my PIC device and at no time was this commercialized...sorry my lawyer wants this said)... the RAM and code size were restrictive but even back then it was doable with a 18F8720. You know a simple Http PUT GET kind of thing.The MMC had the files to serve up sure it wasn't fast but TCPIP has the window for flow control so at its own pace it got the job done.
DHCP code templates should be out there ..I'm not sure but the Microchip might have c-code for DHCP probably for the client side. I'd take a look at the code and with a sniffer see what a store bought router sends in the way of packets and write your server code to emulated it. Anyway I'd expect a reduced router functional implementation of DHCP is very feasible with a 18F and lots of code space. Now as to speed and price it's hard to compete with a used router from E-bay like Linksys NSLU2 with a linux type OS.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 9:27 pm     Reply with quote

This is more or less of what I'm looking for.

I'm running a 18f4550 w/enc running a tcp server.
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