struct GPRS{
short Reset;
short StartSIM900;
char IP_Attemps;
short ComFromSMS;
short IDxError;
char SMS_Phone[15];
short ChkError;
short Responder;
short MassiveAnswer;
char Step;
short ShutGPRS;
char VectorTypeArray[7];
char VectorActual;
short AllVectorsInit;
char GPRS_Step;
char Pendientes;
short UnderBit;
The variable VectorTypeArray[7] is set to zero one by one every time that a CCP interrupt ends.
The compiler version is 5.025.
I'm using this variable only inside an interrupt routines
I think that can be a issue with the FSR register.
I wonder if there any way to make a breakpoint when a variable change to detect what line of code is messing with this variable. _________________ Electric Blue
Joined: 11 Mar 2010 Posts: 19540
Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 9:10 am
What processor?.
Generally, there is no simple debugging method to find this.
The compiler/chip does not support bit aligned variables. So you will be wasting bytes as the compiler has to use 2 bits for the first two shorts, then byte/word align (depending on the chip) for the characters.
Better to organise your data so things are easier to align:
struct GPRS{
char SMS_Phone[15];
char IP_Attemps;
char VectorTypeArray[7];
char GPRS_Step;
char Pendientes;
char VectorActual;
char Step;
short Reset;
short StartSIM900;
short ComFromSMS;
short IDxError;
short ChkError;
short Responder;
short MassiveAnswer;
short ShutGPRS;
short AllVectorsInit;
short UnderBit;
Joined: 13 Apr 2011 Posts: 417
Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 9:31 am
The processor is PIC18F67j50.
Thanks for the tip; I tried and get this results.
Before the change
ROM used 37702 RAM used 2614
After the change(reorder shorts)
ROM used 37792 RAM used 2608.
I don't get why use more ROM, I did not change the code. _________________ Electric Blue
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