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Communication between SIM900A and 16F628A

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Communication between SIM900A and 16F628A
PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 1:08 pm     Reply with quote

What I try to do is call from my mobile to SIM900A, and it answers with a message location. But I see that the characters are not correct, and I have tried many times and can not find the solution.

#include <16f628a.h>
#include <string.h>

#fuses NOWDT   //Watch dog timer no esta activado desde principio


#use delay(clock=20M)     // Ojo a INTERNAL, determina la duracion
#use RS232(BAUD=9600,bits=8,parity=N, XMIT=PIN_B2, RCV=PIN_B1,stop=1)   
//#include <tones.c>

#byte TRISB=0x86 //indicar si es entrada o salida
#byte PORTB=0x06  //indica si esta en nivel alto o bajo

#DEFINE dato_size 80
char dato[dato_size];
int a=0;
int x=0;
int c=0;

#INT_RDA      //esta interrupcion despertara el PIC y hara una busqueda de ubicacion y enviar la ubicacion por SMS al numero de movil correspondiente
{if (kbhit())
 }return 0;
void borrar_arrany()
for (a=0;a<dato_size;a++)

void main(){ 
//setup_oscillator( OSC_48kHZ ); //esta determina la frecuencia
setup_timer_0(RTCC_INTERNAL|RTCC_DIV_2 );//usamos un reloj interno, division 2
  SET_TIMER0(236);//CARGA 220 =>0.012s

TRISB=0b00110011;//declara que RB0 sea entrada, las otras de RB sea salida


if(dato[2]== 'R' &&dato[3]== 'I' &&dato[4]=='N' &&dato[5]=='G') //Detecta si hay el mensaje dice RING

printf("ATH\r\n"); //colgar la llamada
       printf("AT+SAPBR=3,1,\"CONTYPE\",\"GPRS\"\r\n");  //Set the connection type to GPRS
       printf("AT+SAPBR=3,1,\"APN\",\"INTERNET\"\r\n"); //Set the APN to to "internet" since i am using a simyo SIM card, It might be different
        delay_ms(1000);//delay no afecta

         printf("AT+CMGF=1\r\n");     // Seleccionor modo texto
         printf("AT+CMGS=\"0034618354363\"\r\n"); //enviar el mensaje a mi numero
         printf("+%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c\r\n",dato[16],dato[17],dato[18],dato[19],dato[20],dato[21],dato[22],dato[23]);   //el texto del mensaje


And the message to give me is:
Code:"003+ OK AT

If anyone has an idea, comment it, please!

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 4:50 pm     Reply with quote


First of all, please don't start a new topic each time you have a question! Your old topic is here: Please use it!

Are you absolutely sure that you are able to receive data from the GSM modem? When you send the 'ATE0' command, you should capture the modems response, which should be 'OK'. Until you can do this, there is no point in trying to proceed any further. My guess is that you've got some sort of a hardware incompatibility that needs to be addressed before you see any success!

A couple of things to consider:

1. This is an English speaking forum. If all your program comments are non-English, you put those that want to help you at a great disadvantage.
2. You should add the 'Errors' directive to the 'USE RS232' statement in your code. This will prevent the hardware UART from locking up if it becomes overrun with incoming data.
3. Add a 'Stream' directive to your 'USE RS232', such as "GSM", so that it's abundantly clear when you are sending/receiving data to the GSM modem.
4. Most GSM modems will add <CR> and/or <LF> to the beginning and end of each data transmission. You can use these extra characters to know when data is beginning and ending.
5. You don't need to 'Clear Interrupts' inside the ISR. The compiler will add that code for you.
6. The PIC 16F628A is woefully inadequate for a serious GSM project. At a minimum, am 18F series device should be used. Most of my GSM designs are based on the 18LF25K50. I chose this device because it operates well at the voltage of my GSM module, so they are powered from the same source, and it has built-in USB for firmware updates!

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 8:50 pm     Reply with quote


I have posted 2 working codes on the library doing basic sms control.... it should give you some insight to your proyect.
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 11:48 am     Reply with quote

First at all, thank you ezflyr for the great response.
I'm sure that GSM receive data, because I have tried with AT command and it works great.
The thing is likes the captures of date was not correct.
I will try all these advises and I will answer here.
Thank you.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 2:00 pm     Reply with quote

Hi Huihuang1992,

Your PIC is running at 5v, correct? Your SIM900 is running at 3.8V, or thereabouts, is that also correct? Can you describe the interface between the PIC and the SIM900? Are you connecting the SIM900 Tx pin directly to the PIC Rx pin? Are you connecting the PIC Tx pin directly to the SIM900 Rx pin?

As I said, getting the hardware correct is Step #1!

If it's worth doing, it's worth doing in real hardware!

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 2:35 pm     Reply with quote

That PIC should run fine at 3V IF running at 10MHz or LESS.....
It's NOT designed to run at 20 MHz at less than 5 volts though.

What's written on the front page of the datasheet can be misleading so you need to read the datasheet, electrical specs section, easy charts to
look at, be sure to look at the PIC16F62x chart NOT the PIC16LF62x chart

As stated though we really need to see or be told HOW the units are connected. Best case is 3 volt PIC and a 3 volts GSM.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 8:24 am     Reply with quote

ezflyr wrote:
Hi Huihuang1992,

Your PIC is running at 5v, correct? Your SIM900 is running at 3.8V, or thereabouts, is that also correct? Can you describe the interface between the PIC and the SIM900? Are you connecting the SIM900 Tx pin directly to the PIC Rx pin? Are you connecting the PIC Tx pin directly to the SIM900 Rx pin?

As I said, getting the hardware correct is Step #1!

It works now, and I just install another pickit2 programmer.
And I'm connecting PIC with a battery of 3.7v and SIM900A with 2x3.7v, but with a regulator, so it is working with 5V. And it all works correctly. And I'm connecting directly the RX and TX, and it works now.

The doubt I have now is in other thread, which is how to wake up with INT_RDA.
Sorry for responding so late!
Best regards.
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