I've written a simple code for the PIC18F66K90 microcontroller and programmed it using the CCS C-Compiler and ICD-U64. I ran the program and it worked as expected.
I need my code to run without a programmer attached to it and to also run after a power cycle (turning the MCU off and on again).
But, when I try to program to bootloader, I'm running into an error which says
"ie_NOpen – device not open"
Is there any reason for such an error to occur? What are the steps I could try to fix this issue?
...looks more like a PC msg rather than a PIC bootloader msg.
You should really tell us the 'big picture'... the OS, the PC bootloader program, what 'bootloader' program is in the PIC.
The more information you supply the faster someone here can reply with a possible answer.
It _might_ be that the terminal program (looks like RealTerm response..) couldn't find the USB(?) comport the PIC is connected to.
This is solely a GUESS on my part.
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