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Joined: 09 Jan 2013 Posts: 7
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 6:39 am |
Hi Eduardo,
I've been lurking around this Forum for years but you have saved me so much work with your driver that I decided to join at last just to thank you.
Thank-you Eduardo for a comprehensive driver that works very well.
Will be testing 'Multiceiver' mode this week so I'll let you know how it works. |
Joined: 23 Nov 2011 Posts: 197 Location: Brazil
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 8:11 am |
Dear Mr Hexadec,
Thank you very much for your kind reply.
I´m very happy with this, because this was my target when I post this driver: I just wanted to save work!
Thanks and good luck! _________________ Eduardo Guilherme Brandt |
Joined: 13 Oct 2010 Posts: 8
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:34 am |
Dear eduardo
I'm trying to use your great driver on pic24fj64gb002. In your RF24_driver_use_example_TXdata_simple() fuction, my transmitter is stuck at
Code: | while(RF24_IRQ_state()==false);//Waits for any interrupt. Same as "while(!RF24_IRQ_state());"
I'm using internal osc, so maybe spi connection problem occurs :/ I reduced BAUD=250000 but it didnt work again. I couldnt find the problem for 2 days
This is my code,
Code: | #include <24FJ64GB002.h>
#FUSES NOWDT //No Watch Dog Timer
#FUSES ICSP2 //ICD uses PGC3/PGD3 pins
#FUSES CKSFSM //Clock Switching is enabled, fail Safe clock monitor is enabled
#FUSES FRC //Internal Fast RC Oscillator
#use delay (clock=8M, internal)
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#pin_select U1TX = PIN_B14
#pin_select U1RX = PIN_B15
#use rs232(UART1,baud=9600,parity=N,bits=8,stream=USART1A)
//SPI2 PINS(It´s for my uC, because I´m using hardware I2C)
#pin_select SDI2=PIN_B7//#pin_select SDI2=PIN_B8 // ?????????????????
#pin_select SDO2=PIN_B3//#pin_select SDO2=PIN_B7 //
#pin_select SCK2OUT=PIN_B1//#pin_select SCK2OUT=PIN_B9 //
#USE SPI(SPI2, MASTER, BAUD=1000000, MODE=0, BITS=8, MSB_FIRST, STREAM=STREAM_SPI2) //this will set SPI in 4MHz(maximum for 16MHz Xtal. #Use SPI is a little buggy)
#include <input.c>
#include <tea.c>
//********** DEFINE PORT NAMES
#define SPI_MISO PIN_B3 //???????????????
#define SPI_MOSI PIN_B7 //SPI(Usar por hardware quando possivel)
#define SPI_CLK PIN_B1 //SPI(Usar por hardware quando possivel)
//Driver nRF24L01P.C
#define RF24_IRQ PIN_B8 //interrupcao nRF24L01+
#define RF24_CS PIN_B9 //chipselect nRF24L01+
#define RF24_CE PIN_B2 //chipEnable nRF24L01+
#define RF24_PERFORMANCE_MODE //performance mode ON
#define RF24_SPI STREAM_SPI2//Redirects SPI2 port to RS24_SPI stream
#include <nRF24L01P.C>
#include <STDLIB.H>
void main()
//setup_spi( FALSE );
//setup_spi2( FALSE );
RF24_TX_SET(); //Transmitter on
while(true) { //Enter transmit mode infinitely
//now, you can write FIFO stack1
RF24_TX_putbuffer(false,32, "La cucaracha!!, Fill FIFO Stack3"); //Transmit 32bytes data(text string) to actual address(default_config address)
printf("La cucaracha!!, Fill FIFO Stack3");
//Do this to check each data transfer
while(RF24_IRQ_state()==false);//Waits for any interrupt. Same as "while(!RF24_IRQ_state());"
RF24_STATUS_clr_IRQs(IRQ_ALL); //Allows clearing all IRQs at the same time
} |
Joined: 23 Nov 2011 Posts: 197 Location: Brazil
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 4:47 am |
Try to use RF24_driver_use_example_TXdata_simple(); for transmitter and and RF24_driver_use_example_RXdata(); in receiver code.
If the problem remains, use the function RF24_check_config() to check if your nRF24 is exchanging data. You will need to put a debugger_break or send by RS232 serial port *bbuf data(first byte for most commands and the first 5 bytes for RX and TX addr commands) each delay_ms(10); command.
The checked data must be the same that in the function "RF24_default_config();"
Looking that functions inside driver and you will understand better.
Good luck _________________ Eduardo Guilherme Brandt |
Joined: 13 Oct 2010 Posts: 8
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 12:02 pm |
Hi eduardo
As you said, I use printf for check_congif
I have a problem at
Code: | RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|RX_ADDR_P0, bbuf, 5);//PROBLEMA( bbuf=0x00A1A2 ) //, //Receive address data pipe 0. 5 Bytes maximumlength. (LSByte first)
//0xA1A2A3, 24); //Address 0xA1A2A3 24bits(3 bytes)
this printf returns this
As you see this mean 0-dd-a-0-0-0, correct result must be 0-r-d-d-a-0
I cant figure out the problem, I erased the "rv=spi_read2(); " lines.
And also tried to use FORCE_SW, but problem still continues. Do you have any idea? |
Joined: 23 Nov 2011 Posts: 197 Location: Brazil
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 2:54 pm |
You´re printing in Hex format.
It´s better to print in Ascii format(String).
For that, I use this command:
Code: | RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|RX_ADDR_P1, bbuf, 5);
fprintf(DBG, "\r\n");
for(i=0; i<sizeof(bbuf); i++) fputc(bbuf[i], DBG);
The correct code for RX_Addr_P0 should be(as default by driver):
For pipe1 it shoud be "1rdda", for pipe2 it should be "2" , for pipe 3 "3" and so on.
It is because only pipe0 and pipe1 can have any of the 5 address bytes modified. Pipes 2 to 5 can modify only the first byte of pipe1 address.
I use the program below to check configuration:
ps: I´m not checking pipe 2 to 5 addresses at this program)
Code: | void RF24_byte_to_bin(int dt) {
int i;
for(i=8;i>0;i--) { //Funcao que Imprime valor em binário
if (bit_test(dt, i-1)==true) fputc('1', DBG);
else fputc('0', DBG);
fputc('\r', DBG); fputc('\n', DBG);
void RF24_check_conf() { //Check actual configuration(only for debugging purposes, stop in each delay)
char bbuf[7];
int i;
fprintf(DBG, "\r\n\n\n\nInicio configuracao_:\r\n\r\n ");
RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|CONFIGURATION, bbuf, 1); //EN_CRC|CRC16|PWR_UP); //RF_packet CRC and nRF24L01+ configuration and initialization
//fprintf(DBG, "\r\n");
RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|EN_AUTOACK, bbuf, 1); //0b00011111); //autoack in pipe 0,1,2,3,4 and 5
RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|EN_RXPIPES, bbuf, 1); //0b00000011); //****enable only pipes 0 and 1(pipes 2 to 5 are not used)
RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|SETUP_ADDRESSWIDTH, bbuf, 1); //, 1); //addresswidth setting[1 to 3(3 to 5 bytes)]//ADDRESSWIDTH = 1 -> it means 3 bytes
RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|SETUP_AUTORETRANSMISSION, bbuf, 1); //[7:4(250 to 4000us) autoretry delay, 3:0(0 to 15)Auto retry times]
//0b00011111); //waitretry 500us , retry 15times //ARD=500µs is long enough for any ACK payload length in 1 or 2Mbps mode
RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|RF_CHANNEL, bbuf, 1); //, 0); //Set RF channel. F0= 2400 + RF_CHANNEL [MHz]. Use 1 channel of space for 250kbps to 1Mbps radios and 2 channels of space between 2Mbps radios.//RF channel=0(2400MHz)
RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|RF_SETUP, bbuf, 1); //, RF_DR_2Mbps|RF_PWR_0dBm); //Datarate 2Mbps. PowerAmplifier in 0dBm.
RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|STATUS, bbuf, 1); //, //Status Register (In parallel to the SPI command word applied on the MOSI pin, the STATUS register is shifted serially out on the MISO pin)
//IRQ_RX_dataready|IRQ_TX_datasent|IRQ_MAX_retransmit); //Clear these tree interrupts
RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|RX_ADDR_P0, bbuf, 5);//PROBLEMA( bbuf=0x00A1A2 ) //, //Receive address data pipe 0. 5 Bytes maximumlength. (LSByte first)
//0xA1A2A3, 24); //Address 0xA1A2A3 24bits(3 bytes)
//fprintf(DBG, "\r\n");
for(i=0; i<sizeof(bbuf); i++) fputc(bbuf[i], DBG);
RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|RX_ADDR_P1, bbuf, 5);//PROBLEMA( bbuf=0x00A1A2 ) //, //Receive address data pipe 1. 5 Bytes maximumlength. (LSByte first)
//0xA1A2A4, 24); //Address 0xA1A2A4 24bits(3 bytes)
fprintf(DBG, "\r\n");
for(i=0; i<sizeof(bbuf); i++) fputc(bbuf[i], DBG);
RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|TX_ADDR, bbuf, 5); //, //(3 to 5 bytes)Transmit address. Used for a PTX device only.(LSByte first). Set RX_ADDR_P0 equal to this address to handle automatic acknowledge if Enhanced ShockBurst enabled
//0xA1A2A3, 24); //Address 0xA1A2A3 24bits(3 bytes)
fprintf(DBG, "\r\n");
for(i=0; i<sizeof(bbuf); i++) fputc(bbuf[i], DBG); fprintf(DBG, "\r\n");
RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|RX_PW_P0, bbuf, 1); //, 32); //(set 1 to 32)RX payload size pipe0 set to 32 bytes
RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|RX_PW_P1, bbuf, 1); //, 32); //(set 1 to 32)RX payload size pipe1 set to 32 bytes
RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|EN_DYNAMIC_PAYLOAD, bbuf, 1); //,//bits 0 to 5 enables in pipe0 to pipe5
//0b00111111); //Dynamic payload Enabled in all pipes(pipe 0 to 5)
fprintf(DBG, "\r\n fim \r\n\n ");
Good luck _________________ Eduardo Guilherme Brandt |
Joined: 13 Oct 2010 Posts: 8
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 9:37 am |
There is something interesting :/
Inside RF24_comm_in, I added a print command
Code: | void RF24_comm_in(int comm, char *datain, int dataSZ) { //Send command and receive input(dataSZ=number of input bytes)(datain=pointer to data for receiving)
#ifndef RF24_USE_DMA int i; #endif
RF24_xfer(comm); //RF24 Write address/command(see RF24_addr addresses list tabble in .h file)
#ifdef RF24_USE_DMA
DMA_read(dataSZ, datain); //Simple DMA Read and start transfer
DMA_start(); //Start DMA transfer
while(DMA_is_busy()); //DMA is working
#else //Programed IO mode(Normal mode)
for(i=0;i<dataSZ;i++) {
//*(datain+i)=spi_xfer(RF24_SPI, 0,8);
//*(datain+i)=spi_read2(); //It´s necessary due to spi_xfer read bug
} |
So I can check the data, just after I get from SPI. And inside check config function, I added same print command that you sent;
Code: | RF24_comm_in(R_REGISTER|RX_ADDR_P0, bbuf, 5);//PROBLEMA( bbuf=0x00A1A2 ) //, //Receive address data pipe 0. 5 Bytes maximumlength. (LSByte first)
//0xA1A2A3, 24); //Address 0xA1A2A3 24bits(3 bytes)
for(int i=0; i<4; i++) putc(bbuf[i]);
printf("\n\r"); |
I get results as below;
Code: | *(datain+0)=0=
>>0da[00] |
Data is changing after RF24_comm_in function. But it is obivous that nrf24 is set correctly.
And Im using your example program to communicate but I can't understand how to be sure that data is recieved. So I modified RF24_driver_use_example_RXdata() as;
Code: |
RF24_RX_SET(); //Receiver on
while(true) {
while ( RF24_RX_getbuffer(&RXpipe, &RXdatasize, RXbuffer1)!=true ); //Wait till receive data(1 to 32 bytes) into buffer(from default_config address of pipe0)
... |
But already program returns zero inside the RF24_RX_getbuffer at
Code: |
if (!RF24_IRQ_state()){
return 0; }
... |
I ready confused |
Joined: 13 Oct 2010 Posts: 8
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:28 pm |
I can transmit message but still some problems occurs:)
reciever code;
Code: | rv=RF24_RX_getbuffer(&RXpipe, &RXdatasize, RXbuffer1); //Wait till receive data(1 to 32 bytes) into buffer(from default_config address of pipe0)
for(int i=0;i<RXdatasize;i++)
} |
Inside RF24_comm_in(), there is a print command like I mention previous post. Moreover There is a RF24_comm_in function inside RF24_RX_getbuffer.
So I got this print out
Code: | *(datain+0)=a=
message=adÒ5 |
As you see, data is correctly recieved in RF24_RX_getbuffer function. But when program come to print command, data is transformed to "adÒ5"
I suppose that strings like "asda" causes a problem. I cannot also send an array instead of a constant string :/ |
Joined: 13 Oct 2010 Posts: 8
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:46 pm |
And my problem almost solved,
I added this
Code: | printf("\n*(datain+%u)=%c,adres=%u"i,*(datain+i),(datain+i));
to see which adress are there.
also I change this
Code: | printf("\nRXpipe=%u\nRXdatasize=%u\nmessage=",RXpipe,RXdatasize);
for(int i=0;i<RXdatasize;i++)
} |
to see which adress are used. And result is not suprised me;
Code: | *(datain+0)=a,adres=2366
message=2366-2368-2370-2372- |
why does it happen? pointers are 8 bits or 16 bits in same program |
Joined: 23 Nov 2011 Posts: 197 Location: Brazil
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 1:47 pm |
See thibow post on the first page of this driver topic.
This was because you didn't add " PASS_STRINGS=IN_RAM" directive.
Get a look in my post "How to do"(see first page of this topic) _________________ Eduardo Guilherme Brandt |
Joined: 23 Nov 2011 Posts: 197 Location: Brazil
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2013 1:53 pm |
Pointers are 16 bits, so you must printf them using %Lu instead of %u formating option. _________________ Eduardo Guilherme Brandt |
Joined: 13 Oct 2010 Posts: 8
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 1:56 am |
Eduardo__ wrote: | See thibow post on the first page of this driver topic.
This was because you didn't add " PASS_STRINGS=IN_RAM" directive.
Get a look in my post "How to do"(see first page of this topic) |
I already added it
Problem is that pointers are 8 bit inside RF24_comm_out(). You can see the ram address in RF24_comm_out() ;
Code: | *(datain+0)=a,adres=2366
*(datain+3)=s,adres=2369 |
I think its because of defining dataout pointer as char. Char is 8 bit.
In main function, increasing the pointer is increasing ram address twice.
Code: | printf("\nRXpipe=%u\nRXdatasize=%u\nmessage=",RXpipe,RXdatasize);
for(int i=0;i<RXdatasize;i++)
} |
Code: | RXpipe=0
message=2366-2368-2370-2372- |
Joined: 23 Nov 2011 Posts: 197 Location: Brazil
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 6:14 pm |
But pointer independs on variable type.
e.g.: If you´re using a *char or a *Long int, the pointer would be the same(16bits in case of Microchip uC).
There must be something wrong in your code. Please check it again. I´ve no time enough this week to check it, sorry.
Good luck friend! _________________ Eduardo Guilherme Brandt |
Joined: 23 Nov 2011 Posts: 197 Location: Brazil
Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 6:21 pm |
I´m sorry amboleos, not I´m understood what you said.
Yes, but if you´ve any pointer and you add it by 1, it adds only 1 in any variable type. So if you expect store an array of long ints, you should add 2 to the pointer before writing data to it.
But if you´re using arrays, it will consider the array data type. But an array is a different way(and simpliest) of working with pointers. _________________ Eduardo Guilherme Brandt |
Joined: 04 Mar 2010 Posts: 102
Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:20 pm |
I cant make this driver to work, checked pinout, config, chip running, SPI send data/receive...will not transmit or receive anything, debug is stuck at while(RF24_IRQ_state()==false);
Loaded this for test and works, however its stops randomly after 10-50 transmission ? PSup 3.6v
Will try to find time to read datasheet, need to blow some steam!!
PIC16F877A and 876A CCS4.140 in MPLABX _________________ I'm could be wrong many time's, at least I know what I'm doing |
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