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I2C Example needed *** Locked *** jayanthd banned for piracy
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Mike Walne

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 6:16 am     Reply with quote

jayanthd wrote:
Mike Walne wrote:

Speaks for itself.


Sorry, I simply could not resist my previous post. You walked into it chin first.

I'll humour you, one last time, and explain, with my translations

Ok. I got it working. Here is a screenshot of my project working.
1) It works, I can't wait to show everybody


I will soon post the code after fine tuning my project.
2) It's so good, I'm going to share it with you all.


After reading CCS C manual and microchip i2c document I was able to write the code using CCS C i2c library functions and I have tested it both on hardware and Proteus and it is working fine.
3) It really is brilliant.

Finally I did it within 24 hours.
4) I'm so good, I did it in double quick time.

There is a problem. I tested the working with one slave at a time and it works fine if with single slaves. Both the slaves are working but If I connect both the slaves it just reads the data once and slave 1 and slave 2 hangs. What might be the problem? Is it that i2c bus is not clearing properly after the first read?
5) Oh dear, there's a big bug I missed!!!

Now you're asking
What am I doing wrong?

You've had this response:-
Have you just tried the examples you have been pointed to?.

Have you ever actually written a program that works?.

You _claim_ to have used other languages, but every language _requires_ you to follow it's syntax precisely. You are not even trying.

1) You are now trying to read twice in state zero.
2) You are now trying to issue start conditions in the slave - the _master_ is the only chip that can issue starts.
3) Same applies for stops
4) You are now trying to write four bytes in one ISR in the slave - I've already shown how to write multiple bytes.
5) When you actually solve the above, stop and think for a moment. What happens if the slave changes the value half way through an I2C transaction?.

And this:-
PCM_programmer posted a link to multi byte I2C routines right at the start of your thread.

Remove the complexity.

Like most people not used to debugging, you are making the problem too complex. Try sending a packet of known data, with none of the other fiddling around (no temperature reading, and just simple display of the data). Your code should be no more than about 30 lines at each end including headers.

Once you have this working then move on and try adding more.

If the examples don't work, then stop and look at your hardware. You _have_ got suitable pull up resistors on the bus?. You have got the grounds connected between the units?. How long is the bus?.

There are actually two errata for the 16F887 chip affecting I2C, which could explain a lot. First as a slave device, the device will prematurely release the clock line on the last byte of a multi byte transfer. Means the master _must_ pause at this point. You do delay here, but a 'caveat' for the future. Then as a master device, there is a real humdinger on handling clock stretching incorrectly. Try switching to using the software I2C on the master, instead of hardware, and see if things change....

I've been doing some research, and found these familiar looking titles on edaboard, and suspect that your the same Jayanthd.

Re: help me: temperature sensor lm35 with pic16f877 and code
Re: Help Debug Source Code in ISIS
256X256 GLCD and Touch Screen Needed
Re: Pic16f877a analg read problem
How to make 40X4 and 40X8 LCD from 40X2 LCD in proteus.
Proteus Library for SED1353 Needed
Re: Help with Setting PORTB,RB0 as an output on PIC 18F Micro
Re: problems with stm32f107vc
Problem with ISIS Proteus while Simulating USB Related Codes????
Re: problem in displaying input value from ADC to LCD
Re: help me to discover the LCD problem
Re: Making an animated relay in proteus work using pic16f877A
Re: Proteus Libaries for FT232 ?????
Re: VOLTMETER with PIC 16F877A
Re: Problem when combine program in mickro C
Re: LPC2148 led flashing problem.....
White LED Created in ISIS
Magenta led Created in ISIS
How to make 128X128 Touchscreen from 256X256 Touchscreen in proteus.

You've even posted this link which shows you as banned.

Are you the same Jayanthd who asks questions on PICAXE, Matrix Multimedia, MASM32, Audacity, Comodo?

I also found this gem on Sonsivri, with a note in red from their moderator.

PIC18F46J50 based USB HID and SD datalogger
« on: November 08, 2012, 03:12:59 03:12 »


Here is a simulation video of my project PIC18F46J50 based USB HID and SD datalogger.

members who went to that site (edaboard) you referenced here (which I removed) thought that sim2.rar is the code, and then it appears to be the video and you were gaining points over there. I am really annoyed because I received many reports on this issue.

You are responsible for your posts, and when I see that you made a misleading post, then I will kick your [spam] from here, straight and simple.

Jayanth D

With my sincere apologies to the moderator.


Joined: 01 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 6:32 am     Reply with quote

Wow Mike, you certainly spent an enormus amount time on this 'thread'!! well as several others...
..too bad we don't get paid for our time.

I finally lost interest when the JPG showed proteus screen shots...

Arrgh..I seriously doubt ANY real hardware has been touched during the 5 pages.....

cheers form the Canadian side of the pond.


Joined: 06 Dec 2012
Posts: 47
Location: Banned - pirate

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 7:53 am     Reply with quote

jayanthd banned for Piracy.

See forum rule #9:
9. No pirating

- Forum Moderator

Yes. I am the same person. I got banned because of multiple posting. At Sonsivri I got banned because I provided the link for my Project which was at Some other forum i.e., I didn't post the project at Sonsivri but Hey! I have got new accounts at Sonsivri and edaboard. Laughing Those questions I had asked when I started using mikroE Compilers as I was new to mikroE Compilers but now I don't have problems with mikroE Compilers. I even use Wiz-C PIC Compiler and many other.

I learnt crac**ng from Sonsivri. I have written a keygen in delphi for Wiz C and AVIDICY Compilers. Just email me at [spam] and I will send it. I am learning many languages at the same time but I have learn't Basic, C and C++ long back. Cool

I am working on crac**ng mikroE Compilers. It is 95% complete. All that remains is writing the dongle code. Wink

I checked my code with just one slave and the ack and nack is happening properly but if I use more than one slave the ack and nack happens properly only one time and after that I nee nack being performed where ack has to be performed.

Finally I will try to learn CCS.


I said that I am experiencing the problem in both hardware and Proteus. Just to show in the forum I am using Proteus. I don't have a Cam here to take the video of my hardware.


You can see my other project about pt100 here

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 10:11 am     Reply with quote

temtronic wrote:

I finally lost interest when the JPG showed proteus screen shots...

I immediately follow the forum rules and ignore any threads containing screenshots of proteus.

I'm blown away this thread has reached 5 pages.
Dazed and confused? I don't think so. Just "plain lost" will do. :D

Joined: 06 Dec 2012
Posts: 47
Location: Banned - pirate

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 10:20 am     Reply with quote

bkamen wrote:
temtronic wrote:

I finally lost interest when the JPG showed proteus screen shots...

I immediately follow the forum rules and ignore any threads containing screenshots of proteus.

I'm blown away this thread has reached 5 pages.

Why can't somebody give a solution to my problem. When I use only one slave I see proper ACK and NACK but when I use more than one slave the ACK and NACK happens properly one time and then I see NACK happening. Why would the code behave like that? When one slave is used or two slaves the code is the same. I just complete one i2c comm with 1st slave and then do the same thing with the other slave. There is a i2c stop after each i2c comm and new i2c process starts with a i2c start. Why the slaves getting hanged. I don't have any code in slaves which does NACK. Then why am I getting NACKS when I use more than one slave?

Joined: 01 Jul 2010
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Location: Greensville,Ontario

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 2:57 pm     Reply with quote

[temtronic reply removed]

The guy is a pirate. His own words:
"I am working on cracking mikroE Compilers. It is 95% complete. All that remains is writing the dongle code".

No more replies allowed. Thread now locked.
User jayanthd banned off forum. Any alias logons
will be banned on sight.

-Forum Moderator

He signed up early on Tuesday morning as new user
'jayant' and was immediately banned again.

- Forum Moderator
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