Today I'm asking for help for the correct way to configure clock in my pic18F66J94. I want to use it with internal osc at 64Mhz. I'm trying with wizard of CCS but i can't get it, please help me.
This is my actual config:
#include <18F66J94.h>
#device ADC=16
/* Para Cristal interno de 8Mhz */
#FUSES NOWDT //No Watch Dog Timer
#FUSES WDT128 //Watch Dog Timer uses 1:128 Postscale
#FUSES NOXINST //Extended set extension and Indexed Addressing mode disabled (Legacy mode)
#FUSES SOSC_DIG //Digital mode, I/O port functionality of RC0 and RC1
#FUSES CKSFSM //Clock Switching is enabled, fail Safe clock monitor is enabled
#use delay(internal = 64000000)
Joined: 11 Mar 2010 Posts: 19552
Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 12:36 pm
You need the PLL enabled. FRC selects the non PLL branch. You need the 8* PLL (FRCPLL PLL8X)
However 'beware'. Do you intend to use USB?.
If you are going to use USB, the USB PLL branch has to be used, and this does not offer 64MHz as a CPU clock from the internal clock.
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