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problem in getting a set of characters from string?!

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Joined: 03 May 2016
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problem in getting a set of characters from string?!
PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2016 4:22 pm     Reply with quote

Hi ,

I need to set date & time of the real time clock connected to PIC.
I want to use a GSM in my project to control some devices also to set the real time clock with the correct time and date via sms Smile

The first thing I did was write a program to get the time & date from the received sms.

The received string of the new message has the following form:

+CMT: "+00962780055097","+962788990088","16/04/30,18:42:37+08",20

I need to get the characters after '=' character which are represent the date and time to be set Smile

But i faced a problem to get those characters. When I tried to print the string where i store the characters in i got garbage characters or some of characters before the '=' character.. OR NO CHARACTERS APPEARS ON THE TERMINAL ^_^

I am using
- compiler V5.056
- GSM type SM5100B

#include <16F877a.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#use delay(clock=20000000)
#use rs232(baud=9600,xmit=PIN_C6, rcv=PIN_C7,STREAM=GSM,ERRORS)

#define buffer_size 96
#define NULL '\0'       
#DEFINE CMTI     0         

UNSIGNED char RECSTRING[buffer_size];
unsigned int8 CT=0;

   memset(RECSTRING,NULL,buffer_size);      // Set all elements to NULL
   CT=0;                           // Reset index

void serial_isr() {



int1 SEARCH_STRING(int8 index){
if(strstr(RECSTRING,STRINGS[index])!=NULL) return (1);
else return (0);

void main() {




    CLL=strrchr(RECSTRING,'='); Fprintf(GSM,"%s",CLL);


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PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2016 5:56 pm     Reply with quote

1. You don't have any code in your #int_rda routine that looks at the
incoming bytes for an end-of-message marker. So how does your main()
code know when you have a complete string available to process ?

2. The next thing is, you're using string functions, but you don't put a
string terminator byte of 0x00 at the end of the received string. Without
that marker, string functions (like strstr, etc.) don't know when to quit.

However, this may not be a problem because you zero the receive buffer
and reset the index to 0 prior to a string coming in. But this is a band-aid.
It would be better if you explicitly put a 0x00 at the end of the string
after it's received.

3. Your string extraction problem itself is a pure code problem.
That means it can be totally inspected and solved with a test program
in MPLAB simulator. I used MPLAB vs. 8.92 simulator to do this.

A. I took your program and stripped out all the data acquisition code that
I just don't need. I substituted your sample string as hard-coded data
in the receive buffer. I wasn't sure about the 20 before the CLOCK.
Did you really mean a space ? Is there a space in there after the 20 ?
But it doesn't really matter for this test.

B. Next I put in marker messages (printf's) that tell me where I'm at
in the program.

Before the next step, I put in a printf() statement to display the hard-
coded received string in MPLAB simulator, just to make sure that I
did it correctly, with the escape sequences on the double-quotes, etc.
After looking at the displayed string, I comment out the first printf.

C. Then I compile and run the test program and I get this and it's working
just fine:

Next search string for CMD1:
Next search string for CLOCK:

This means the problem is going to be items 1 or 2 above, or something else.

Test program.
#include <16F877a.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#use delay(clock=20000000)
#use rs232(baud=9600, xmit=PIN_C6, rcv=PIN_C7, STREAM=GSM, ERRORS)

#define buffer_size 96
//#define NULL '\0'       
#DEFINE CMTI     0         

UNSIGNED char RECSTRING[buffer_size] = "+CMT: \"+00962780055097\",\"+962788990088\",\"16/04/30,18:42:37+08\",20 CLOCK=16/05/03,19:50:00";


int1 SEARCH_STRING(int8 index)
if(strstr(RECSTRING, STRINGS[index]) != NULL)
   return (1);
   return (0);

void main()

printf("Next search string for CMD1:\r");


printf("Next search string for CLOCK:\r");

   CLL = strrchr(RECSTRING,'=');



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PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2016 5:34 am     Reply with quote

OK, FIRST you MUST step back and get the HARDWARE correct !

You have a 5 volt PIC and a 3 volt GSM module, at least according to the Googling that found the SM5100B as a Sparkfun product.

Even proper code will not run right on incorrect hardware.
You also stand a good chance of destroying the GSM according to the datasheet when you force 5 volts to it!!

Always read and understand the 'electrical specification' chapter of the PIC and peripherals BEFORE wiring up and applying power.

With 99% of all 'peripherals' or 'modules' these days they are 3 volt devices, so choose a PIC with the 'L', like xxxLFyyyyy OR a PIC that does work at 3 volts like the 18F46K22.

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