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Array element and restart problem

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Array element and restart problem
PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 3:57 am     Reply with quote

Hello everyone,

I made a 5x5 led matrix and i am using 18f2550 to use it. I wrote the code below and it works fine until i add 7th variable on the array. Is there something wrong with my fuse settings or something else?

Here is the code

#include <18F2550.h>
#device ADC=10
#use delay(clock=4000000)
#use rs232(baud=9600,xmit=PIN_C6,rcv=PIN_C7)

#define poz_1 PIN_A0
#define poz_2 PIN_A1
#define poz_3 PIN_A2
#define poz_4 PIN_A3
#define poz_5 PIN_A4
#define gnd_1 PIN_B1
#define gnd_2 PIN_B2
#define gnd_3 PIN_B3
#define gnd_4 PIN_B4
#define gnd_5 PIN_B5

int sondur =   0b1111100000;  //close all the lights
//these are letters
int16 Aharf[5] = {0b1001100001,0b0110100010,0b0000100100,0b0110101000,0b0110110000};
int16 Bharf[5] = {0b0001100001,0b0110100010,0b0001100100,0b0110101000,0b0001110000};
int16 Charf[5] = {0b0000100001,0b0111100010,0b0111100100,0b0111101000,0b0000110000};
int16 Dharf[5] = {0b0001100001,0b0110100010,0b0110100100,0b0110101000,0b0001110000};
int16 Eharf[5] = {0b0000100001,0b0111100010,0b0000100100,0b0111101000,0b0000110000};
int16 Fharf[5] = {0b0000100001,0b0111100010,0b0000100100,0b0111101000,0b0111110000};
int16 Gharf[5] = {0b0000100001,0b0111100010,0b0100100100,0b0110101000,0b0000110000};
int16 Hharf[5] = {0b0110100001,0b0110100010,0b0000100100,0b0110101000,0b0110110000};
int16 Iharf[5] = {0b0001100001,0b1011100010,0b1011100100,0b1011101000,0b0001110000};
int16 Jharf[5] = {0b1000100001,0b1101100010,0b1101100100,0b1101101000,0b0011110000};
int16 Kharf[5] = {0b0110100001,0b0101100010,0b0011100100,0b0101101000,0b0110110000};
int16 Lharf[5] = {0b0111100001,0b0111100010,0b0111100100,0b0111101000,0b0000110000};
int16 Mharf[5] = {0b0111000001,0b0010000010,0b0101000100,0b0111001000,0b0111010000};
int16 Nharf[5] = {0b0111000001,0b0011000010,0b0101000100,0b0110101000,0b0111010000};
int16 Oharf[5] = {0b1001100001,0b0110100010,0b0110100100,0b0110101000,0b1001110000};
int16 Pharf[5] = {0b0001100001,0b0110100010,0b0001100100,0b0111101000,0b0111110000};
int16 Rharf[5] = {0b0001100001,0b0110100010,0b0001100100,0b0101101000,0b0110110000};
int16 Sharf[5] = {0b1000100001,0b0111100010,0b1001100100,0b1110101000,0b0001110000};
int16 Tharf[5] = {0b0000000001,0b1101100010,0b1101100100,0b1101101000,0b1101110000};
int16 Uharf[5] = {0b0110100001,0b0110100010,0b0110100100,0b0110101000,0b0000110000};
int16 Vharf[5] = {0b0110100001,0b0110100010,0b0110100100,0b0110101000,0b1001110000};
int16 Yharf[5] = {0b0111000001,0b1010100010,0b1101100100,0b1101101000,0b1101110000};
int16 Zharf[5] = {0b0000000001,0b1110100010,0b1101100100,0b1011101000,0b0000010000};

int16 yazi[6] = {Rharf,Oharf,Bharf,Oharf,Tharf,Sharf}; // this is the image i try to write. If i write this it works.
// But if i write ROBOTSA the last letter 'A' becomes a weird figure.
// I thought it could be from of the array Aharf, but when i print SELAM, or A by it self, it still works right.
// The problem is it gets weird after the 7th element.
int16 i=0;
int16 k=0;

void sekilbas(int16);
void dizibas(int16 dizi[]);

void main()
      for(k=0;k<6;k++) //chooses the element from yazi[] array
         dizibas(yazi[k]);      //calls the printing function and opens led for a time period   
         sekilbas(sondur);  //closes all the leds after each letters printed


void sekilbas(int16 number)   //this gives the outputs the elements of array

void dizibas(int16 dizi[]) //this opens the leds row by row with little delay
      int i=0;

I have another question. I write a code and upload it to the 18f2550 and see that it works. If i restart pic, the code gives weird random figures. After i upload the same code it works again. What might be the problem?

Thanks for help and sorry for bad english. If anything is unclear i can try to rewrite.

Best Wishes

Edit: changed the 6th element to 7th element, and i changed the variable in for loop to k<7

Edit2: hello again. i think i found the problem. it was about array dimensions. when i tried to increase the array size to 8 the compiler could not compile it. i think i did wrong when try to create an array of arrays.

so i changed the code to this.

#include <18F2550.h>
#device ADC=10
#use delay(clock=4000000)
#use rs232(baud=9600,xmit=PIN_C6,rcv=PIN_C7)

#define poz_1 PIN_A0
#define poz_2 PIN_A1
#define poz_3 PIN_A2
#define poz_4 PIN_A3
#define poz_5 PIN_A4
#define gnd_1 PIN_B1
#define gnd_2 PIN_B2
#define gnd_3 PIN_B3
#define gnd_4 PIN_B4
#define gnd_5 PIN_B5

int sondur =   0b1111100000;
int16 gulenyuz[3] = {0b1010100010,0b0111001000,0b1000110000};
int16 somurtanyuz[3] = {0b1010100010,0b1000101000,0b0111010000};
int16 Aharf[5] = {0b1001100001,0b0110100010,0b0000100100,0b0110101000,0b0110110000};
int16 Bharf[5] = {0b0001100001,0b0110100010,0b0001100100,0b0110101000,0b0001110000};
int16 Charf[5] = {0b0000100001,0b0111100010,0b0111100100,0b0111101000,0b0000110000};
int16 Dharf[5] = {0b0001100001,0b0110100010,0b0110100100,0b0110101000,0b0001110000};
int16 Eharf[5] = {0b0000100001,0b0111100010,0b0000100100,0b0111101000,0b0000110000};
int16 Fharf[5] = {0b0000100001,0b0111100010,0b0000100100,0b0111101000,0b0111110000};
int16 Gharf[5] = {0b0000100001,0b0111100010,0b0100100100,0b0110101000,0b0000110000};
int16 Hharf[5] = {0b0110100001,0b0110100010,0b0000100100,0b0110101000,0b0110110000};
int16 Iharf[5] = {0b0001100001,0b1011100010,0b1011100100,0b1011101000,0b0001110000};
int16 Jharf[5] = {0b1000100001,0b1101100010,0b1101100100,0b1101101000,0b0011110000};
int16 Kharf[5] = {0b0110100001,0b0101100010,0b0011100100,0b0101101000,0b0110110000};
int16 Lharf[5] = {0b0111100001,0b0111100010,0b0111100100,0b0111101000,0b0000110000};
int16 Mharf[5] = {0b0111000001,0b0010000010,0b0101000100,0b0111001000,0b0111010000};
int16 Nharf[5] = {0b0111000001,0b0011000010,0b0101000100,0b0110101000,0b0111010000};
int16 Oharf[5] = {0b1001100001,0b0110100010,0b0110100100,0b0110101000,0b1001110000};
int16 Pharf[5] = {0b0001100001,0b0110100010,0b0001100100,0b0111101000,0b0111110000};
int16 Rharf[5] = {0b0001100001,0b0110100010,0b0001100100,0b0101101000,0b0110110000};
int16 Sharf[5] = {0b1000100001,0b0111100010,0b1001100100,0b1110101000,0b0001110000};
int16 Tharf[5] = {0b0000000001,0b1101100010,0b1101100100,0b1101101000,0b1101110000};
int16 Uharf[5] = {0b0110100001,0b0110100010,0b0110100100,0b0110101000,0b0000110000};
int16 Vharf[5] = {0b0110100001,0b0110100010,0b0110100100,0b0110101000,0b1001110000};
int16 Yharf[5] = {0b0111000001,0b1010100010,0b1101100100,0b1101101000,0b1101110000};
int16 Zharf[5] = {0b0000000001,0b1110100010,0b1101100100,0b1011101000,0b0000010000};

//int16 yazi[7] = {Rharf,Oharf,Bharf,Oharf,Tharf,Sharf,Aharf};
char yazi[8] = {'R','O','B','O','T','S','A','N'};

int16 i=0;
int16 k=0;

void sekilbas(int16);
void dizibas(int16 dizi[]);
void elemansec(char dizi2[]);

void main()
void sekilbas(int16 number) 

void dizibas(int16 dizi[])   
      int i=0;
      int16 k=0;

void elemansec(char dizi2[])

   int i = 0;
         case 'A': dizibas(Aharf); break;
         case 'B': dizibas(Bharf); break;
         case 'C': dizibas(Charf); break;
         case 'D': dizibas(Dharf); break;
         case 'E': dizibas(Eharf); break;
         case 'F': dizibas(Fharf); break;
         case 'G': dizibas(Gharf); break;
         case 'H': dizibas(Hharf); break;
         case 'I': dizibas(Iharf); break;
         case 'J': dizibas(Jharf); break;
         case 'K': dizibas(Kharf); break;
         case 'L': dizibas(Lharf); break;
         case 'M': dizibas(Mharf); break;
         case 'N': dizibas(Nharf); break;
         case 'O': dizibas(Oharf); break;
         case 'P': dizibas(Pharf); break;
         case 'R': dizibas(Rharf); break;
         case 'S': dizibas(Sharf); break;
         case 'T': dizibas(Tharf); break;
         case 'U': dizibas(Uharf); break;
         case 'V': dizibas(Vharf); break;
         case 'Y': dizibas(Yharf); break;
         case 'Z': dizibas(Zharf); break;
         default: sekilbas(sondur); break;

i know it is a very simple and amateur way to drive a led matrix but i hope it will be useful to someone.

Best wishes


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PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 6:03 am     Reply with quote

Change the declarations for the matrix drive data, so:

int16 Aharf[5] = {0b1001100001,0b0110100010,0b0000100100,0b0110101000,0b0110110000};

to 'const int16'.

This data is constant, and this will save you several hundred bytes of RAM....

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 7:03 am     Reply with quote

Ttelmah wrote:
Change the declarations for the matrix drive data, so:

int16 Aharf[5] = {0b1001100001,0b0110100010,0b0000100100,0b0110101000,0b0110110000};

to 'const int16'.

This data is constant, and this will save you several hundred bytes of RAM....

Thank you so much Ttelmah. i tried to do it but i got this error. 'attempt to create a pointer to a constant'. i googled about it but most of the problems people face are about strings. i am trying to find an integer example and learn how access a constant integer in a function. i tried this

int16 const Aharf[5] = {0b1001100001,0b0110100010,0b0000100100,0b0110101000,0b0110110000};

//-----------------rest of the code
case 'A': dizibas(Aharf); break;
case 'A': dizibas(const Aharf); break;
case 'A': dizibas(const int16 Aharf); break; 

either way, no luck.
if i can manage it it will be very useful. thank you for your help again.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 7:43 am     Reply with quote

For using pointers, you have to use rom, instead of const. Sorry. Smile
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