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Problem with interrupts disabled to prevent re-entrancy

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Problem with interrupts disabled to prevent re-entrancy
PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2021 4:26 am     Reply with quote

I am developing an isr that is fired every time a new byte is received on my uart2 module and i keep getting this warning:
Warning#216 Interrupts disabled during call to prevent re-entrancy: (@MUL1616)

I am using a PIC18LF6722 and i am compiling with CCS C (v.5.083)

Can someone please tell me why is this warning popping up?

Here is the code of the ISR:


        void Uart2Interrupt(void)
            if (unreadRadioPacketsCounter <= (sizeof receivedRadioPacketsBuffer / sizeof receivedRadioPacketsBuffer[0]))
                incomingRadioPacketBuffer[receivedRadioBytesIndex] = fgetc(UARTPORT_WL);

                if (receivedRadioBytesIndex == sizeof incomingRadioPacketBuffer)
                    if ((incomingRadioPacketBuffer[receivedRadioBytesIndex - 1] & 0x80) == _masterCmd)
                        if (receivedRadioPacketsIndex < (sizeof receivedRadioPacketsBuffer / sizeof receivedRadioPacketsBuffer[0]))
                            receivedRadioPacketsIndex = 0;

                        for (int i = 0; i < sizeof incomingRadioPacketBuffer; i++)
                            receivedRadioPacketsBuffer[receivedRadioPacketsIndex][i] = incomingRadioPacketBuffer[i];
                            // I have noticed that if i write the previous line like this:
                            // receivedRadioPacketsBuffer[0][i] = incomingRadioPacketBuffer[i];
                            // The warning disappears so this leads me to believe the cause of this warning is either
                            // the variable receivedRadioPacketsIndex or has something to do with writing inside
                            // bidimensional arrays in an isr

                    receivedRadioBytesIndex = 0;

Here is the definition contained in a .h file of the variables used inside the isr:


char incomingRadioPacketBuffer[5];
char receivedRadioPacketsBuffer[64][5];
int receivedRadioBytesIndex;
int receivedRadioPacketsIndex;
int unreadRadioPacketsCounter;

Here is the definition contained in a .h file of the settings:


    #include <18LF6722.h>

    #DEVICE ADC=10


    #use delay(clock=40000000)

    #use fast_io(A)
    #use fast_io(B)
    #use fast_io(C)
    #use fast_io(D)
    #use fast_io(E)
    #use fast_io(F)
    #use fast_io(G)

    #use rs232(STREAM=UARTPORT_USB, UART1, BAUD=19200)

    #use rs232(STREAM=UARTPORT_WL, UART2, BAUD=19200)

    #use spi(STREAM=SPIPORT_1, SPI1, MODE=0, BAUD=2000000)

    #use spi(STREAM=SPIPORT_2, DI=PIN_D5, CLK=PIN_D6, MODE=3, BAUD=2000000)


Thanks in advance for the answers

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PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2021 6:09 am     Reply with quote

Yes, you have already realised what is causing it.
To calculate 'where' a byte is in the two dimensional array, it has to
multiply the index, by the size of the element. It is using the 16*16 bit
multiplication for this.
Two different solutions exist:
First alter the layout so this calculation does not have to happen. There
are other ways of laying things out that would avoid this. For instance you
could generate a pointer to the start of the array, and just add the element
size to this as you move forwards through the array. Result, no multiplication
The second is to generate a second copy of the maths library so that the
16*16bit multiplication routine used in the interrupt, is not the one used
in the main code. A search here will find how to do this.
However the pointer and increment solution is faster and smaller, so probably
the 'way to go'.

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PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2021 6:26 am     Reply with quote

Additonally you have two potential problems
1) "errors' is NOT in the USE RS232( ...options....), so sooner or later, the UARTS WILL 'freeze' during reception of data...
2) I see USE FAST_IO() but no TRIS_x() statements. Unless your program is very 'time sensitive', simply let the compiler use 'standard_io', the default.

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PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2021 6:54 am     Reply with quote

Ttelmah wrote:
Yes, you have already realised what is causing it.
To calculate 'where' a byte is in the two dimensional array, it has to
multiply the index, by the size of the element. It is using the 16*16 bit
multiplication for this.
Two different solutions exist:
First alter the layout so this calculation does not have to happen. There
are other ways of laying things out that would avoid this. For instance you
could generate a pointer to the start of the array, and just add the element
size to this as you move forwards through the array. Result, no multiplication
The second is to generate a second copy of the maths library so that the
16*16bit multiplication routine used in the interrupt, is not the one used
in the main code. A search here will find how to do this.
However the pointer and increment solution is faster and smaller, so probably
the 'way to go'.

Thank you very much, i didn't know positions inside arrays were calculated like that, i'll use the pointers.

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PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2021 7:02 am     Reply with quote

temtronic wrote:
Additonally you have two potential problems
1) "errors' is NOT in the USE RS232( ...options....), so sooner or later, the UARTS WILL 'freeze' during reception of data...
2) I see USE FAST_IO() but no TRIS_x() statements. Unless your program is very 'time sensitive', simply let the compiler use 'standard_io', the default.

Thanks for the answer.

The tris definitions are in the main.c file, i forgot to post them.

As for the ERRORS key in the use rs232 statement, i've seen it in use before but i wasn't sure what it did and how it worked because in the ccs manual it is not thoroughly explained.
Do i just put it in the use rs232 statement and it will reset the uart when there's a transmission error? Is there an interrupt that fires when an error occurs? Is there a variable where i can check the current status of the uart?

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PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2021 7:25 am     Reply with quote

I also noticed you have divisions in your ISR.

This has caused problems in my ISRs before so just be careful.

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PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2021 7:34 am     Reply with quote

His should be OK. If you look they are values that can be precalculated
at compile time by the compiler. Very Happy
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