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PostPosted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 1:45 pm     Reply with quote

Hi! Again. I finally made the WatchDog Timer work. Thanks to PCM Programmer. I had to use my In Circuit Serial Programming device instead of my RS-232 Port with a Bootloader.

Here is my question. I'm trying to have the Restart_cause function to give me the real cause of the the Reset on the CPU. I tried the EX_wdt.c without success. I always have code 24 or Normal_Power_Up. I simplified the example to its simpliest form:

#byte status1 = 0x03

void main()
   printf("Main Restart Cause = %x\r\n",status1);
      printf("While Restart Cause = %x\r\n",status1);

This will give this on Hyperterminal:

    While Restart Cause = 1f

    While Restart Main Restart Cause = 1f

    While Restart Cause = 1f

    While Restart Cause = 1f

    While Restart Cause = 1f

    While Restart Cause = 1f

    While Restart Cause = 1f

    While Restart Cause = 1f

    While Restart Cause = 1f

    While Restart Cause = 1f

    While Restart Cause = 1f

1F is the state of the Status Register and we can see that bit 3 and 4 are alway set to 1. That is a Normal_Power_Up condition. In no way I can get bit 4 to clear to 0 and have the number 8 cause WDT_Timeout. If I take a look at the .hex file generated by CCS I can see this:

void main()
.................... {
0064:  MOVLW  57
0065:  MOVWF  77
0066:  MOVLW  20
0067:  MOVWF  04
0068:  CLRF   00
0069:  INCF   04,F
006B:  DECFSZ 77,F
006C:  GOTO   068
006D:  CLRF   78
006E:  CLRF   79
006F:  CLRF   7A
0070:  CLRF   7B
0071:  CLRF   7C
0072:  CLRF   7D
0073:  CLRF   7E
0074:  MOVLW  50
0075:  MOVWF  77
0076:  MOVLW  A0
0077:  MOVWF  04
0078:  CLRF   00
0079:  INCF   04,F
007B:  DECFSZ 77,F
007C:  GOTO   078
007D:  CLRF   20
007E:  CLRF   04
007F:  MOVLW  1F
0080:  ANDWF  03,F
0081:  MOVLW  06
0082:  BSF    03.5
0083:  MOVWF  1F
....................    printf("Main Restart Cause = %x\r\n",status1);
00A0:  CLRF   36
00A1:  MOVF   36,W
00A2:  CALL   004

CCS insert a lot of Clear WDT before the Printf. Is there anyway to avoid this? I'm using a 16f877 with the latest version of CCS 3.181.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 2:03 pm     Reply with quote

Hey peterfreedom,

I had a problem with restart_cause() too. I can't tell if you're using the ICD-2 or the ICD-U40, but I am using ICD-U40 v1.23 on PIC18F8720 under CCS compiler v3.187 and no matter what, restart cause was always "normal power up."

I never did figure it out, but I discovered that when I used the ICD-U40 in "standalone" mode -- not in debugging mode -- then the very same code worked fine. You know, that little hammer & wrench mode on the "Debug Configure" tab. And sorry, for some reason I can't find my earlier thread on this, but give that a try.

If you figure out why it works this way, pls let me know.

Hope this helps,

Smile Robert

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Sorry, I'm not using any In Circuit Dubugger!
PostPosted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 2:08 pm     Reply with quote

I'm not using any ICD at all. I'm using the serial Port or just leds on outputs to help understand the PIC.

Do you have any idea why CCS inserts that code in the main?

PCM programmer

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 2:14 pm     Reply with quote

I took the CCS test program, EX_WDT.C and modified it slightly
for my demo board, and it worked fine. I then modified it some
more, so it would display the value returned by restart_cause().
It displays either 0x18 for a normal power-up or 0x08 for a WDT reset.
I tested it with PCM vs. 3.184, and a 16F877.

#include <16F877.h>
#use delay(clock=4000000)
#use rs232(baud=9600, xmit=PIN_C6, rcv=PIN_C7) 

void main()
char c;

c = restart_cause();
printf("c = %x  ", c);

   switch ( c )
      case WDT_TIMEOUT:
         printf("\r\nRestarted processor because of watchdog timeout!\r\n");
      case NORMAL_POWER_UP:
         printf("\r\nNormal power up!\r\n");

      printf("Hit any key to avoid a watchdog timeout.\r\n");

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 2:28 pm     Reply with quote

Here what appears on hyperterminal every 2.3 sec:

c = 18

Normal power up!

Hit any key to avoid a watchdog timeout.

c = 18

Normal power up!

Hit any key to avoid a watchdog timeout.

Here is a part of the .hex file:

void main()
.................... {
00B7:  MOVLW  57
00B8:  MOVWF  77
00B9:  MOVLW  20
00BA:  MOVWF  04
00BB:  CLRF   00
00BC:  INCF   04,F
00BE:  DECFSZ 77,F
00BF:  GOTO   0BB
00C0:  CLRF   78
00C1:  CLRF   79
00C2:  CLRF   7A
00C3:  CLRF   7B
00C4:  CLRF   7C
00C5:  CLRF   7D
00C6:  CLRF   7E
00C7:  MOVLW  50
00C8:  MOVWF  77
00C9:  MOVLW  A0
00CA:  MOVWF  04
00CB:  CLRF   00
00CC:  INCF   04,F
00CE:  DECFSZ 77,F
00CF:  GOTO   0CB
00D0:  CLRF   20
00D1:  CLRF   04
00D2:  MOVLW  1F
00D3:  ANDWF  03,F
00D4:  MOVLW  06
00D5:  BSF    03.5
00D6:  MOVWF  1F
.................... char c;
.................... c = restart_cause();
00F3:  MOVF   03,W
00F4:  ANDLW  18
00F5:  MOVWF  36
.................... printf("c = %x  ", c);
00F6:  CLRF   37
00F7:  MOVF   37,W
00F8:  CALL   004
00F9:  INCF   37,F
00FA:  MOVWF  77
00FB:  MOVF   77,W
00FC:  BTFSS  0C.4
00FD:  GOTO   0FC
00FE:  MOVWF  19
00FF:  MOVLW  04
0100:  SUBWF  37,W
0101:  BTFSS  03.2
0102:  GOTO   0F7
0103:  MOVF   36,W
0104:  MOVWF  38
0105:  MOVLW  57
0106:  MOVWF  39
0107:  GOTO   092
0108:  MOVLW  20
0109:  BTFSS  0C.4
010A:  GOTO   109
010B:  MOVWF  19
010C:  MOVLW  20
010D:  BTFSS  0C.4
010E:  GOTO   10D
010F:  MOVWF  19
....................    switch ( c )
....................    {
0110:  MOVF   36,W
0111:  MOVWF  77
0112:  MOVLW  08
0113:  SUBWF  77,W
0114:  BTFSC  03.2
0115:  GOTO   11B
0116:  MOVLW  18
0117:  SUBWF  77,W
0118:  BTFSC  03.2
0119:  GOTO   129
011A:  GOTO   137
....................       case WDT_TIMEOUT:
....................       {
....................          printf("\r\nRestarted processor because of watchdog timeout!\r\n");
011B:  CLRF   37

The CLWDT will set TO and PD in Status Register before it will be copied in the c variable. Does your compiler do the same thing?

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 2:37 pm     Reply with quote

I just dowloaded latest version 3.187 without any good result. For your information.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 2:45 pm     Reply with quote

you must check restart_cause() BEFORE you touch ANY other registers... in fact, get the value and store it as your very first steps in main() -- BEFORE you do ANYTHING else...


void main()
   if ((restart_cause())==NORMAL_POWER_UP)

   #include "sctl-reg.h"   /* register and timing control defs */

the snippet above works exactly as it you think it should work. the example given by PCM programmer above operates the same way.


Last edited by jds-pic on Mon Mar 15, 2004 2:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

PostPosted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 2:46 pm     Reply with quote

peterfreedom wrote:
I just dowloaded latest version 3.187 without any good result. For your information.

I have used restart_cause without any problems. However there are some important things that should be applied.
The first is that restart_cause, in order to detect what has happened, has to set one bit in the processor. Because of this, it should only be called _once_. If a second call is made, it may see the bit that was changed by the first call. There is no point in calling restart_cause more than once, since any restart, will vector to the processors boot address.
The second, is that many of the initialisation processes carried out during a normal program start, may lead to changes in the returned status. Hence the call should be made a early as possible in the code.
The third thing is that the defines supplied for restart_cause, seem to miss some of the possible states...
The basic function though does work.

Best Wishes
PCM programmer

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 2:48 pm     Reply with quote

Well, I can see you're not using the code that I posted, verbatim,
because you've got ASM code in there that's generated by the
#zero_ram statement.

Are you using the plain PCM compiler, integrated in MPLAB, or are
you using some IDE (PCW ?) with a lot of extra options checked
on some setup screen ? ie., "Zero ram", "clear WDT", etc.

If so, go to the plain compiler. Use my code verbatim.

I tested it with PCM 3.181 and PCM 3.184. No problems.

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I found the problem!
PostPosted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 3:24 pm     Reply with quote

I was keeping some old declaration like #include "global.c" that was no more in use. Somewhere hidden in there was a #zero_ram declaration.
If you look at the CCS code above, you see right at the beginning of the program that it clears the RAM and , to prevent to reset on the WatchDog Timer, do a CLRWDT.

Very Happy

So thanks anyway all.
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