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The Rookie

PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 11:31 am     Reply with quote

When I use the following code:


the A0 goes high and as soon as A1 goes high A0 goes low.

Basically the output_high for A0 does not stick.

Any suggestion on how I can keep A0 high

Joined: 01 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 11:38 am     Reply with quote

If you use a PIC with an ADC module, did you disable the analog inputs for the pins A0 and A1?


Just an idea...
The Rookie

PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 11:41 am     Reply with quote

I am not using ADC

But I think it might be caused by the INT being enabled.
The Rookie

PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 12:28 pm     Reply with quote

The INT did not help. I still can not keep the A0 high once I use output_high() again.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 12:33 pm     Reply with quote

You need to tell us the PIC that you're using, and
the version of the CCS compiler, and what external
circuits (if any) you have connected to pins A0 and A1.
The Rookie

PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 12:48 pm     Reply with quote

I am using 12F629. And I do not have any circuits connected to it. I am looking at the pins via Logic Analyzer.

It almost seems like once Output_High() is called again it releases the state of the previous pin
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 1:10 pm     Reply with quote

What is your version of the compiler ?

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 1:57 pm     Reply with quote

Could it be a read-modify-write problem? Try putting a delay-us(1) between the output statements.
The problem occurs because of the way the PIC bit setting operation occurs and the way instructions are pipelined. Basically the pin-a1 command starts before the pin-a0 command is done so the second command overwrites the output of the first.
It is a long standing quirk of PIC processors.
The search for better is endless. Instead simply find very good and get the job done.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 5:02 pm     Reply with quote

version 3.185
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2004 5:49 pm     Reply with quote

You need to turn off the comparators, as shown below.
I looked at the LST file, and that function should work OK
on your version of the compiler.

void main()
setup_comparator(NC_NC_NC_NC);  // Turn off comparators


while(1);  // Prevent PIC from going to Sleep

Re: Output_High()
PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 2:05 am     Reply with quote

The Rookie wrote:
When I use the following code:


the A0 goes high and as soon as A1 goes high A0 goes low.

Basically the output_high for A0 does not stick.

Any suggestion on how I can keep A0 high

Others have mentioned the ADC, and comparator, but the other possibility is that you are suffering from the 'read_modify_write' problem.
Basically, whenever you do I/O on a bit of the port, the whole port is read, the bit is modified, and the result written back. Now the first instruction sets pin A0 'high', but the pin itself does not respond immediately. It starts to drive high at the end of the instruction, and the tme taken for the signal level to actually get to the 'high' detection point, will depend on the nature of the pin (whether it has Schmidt inputs), the capacitance and resistive load attached. Now the next instruction, reads the port as the first clock cycle of the instruction, then modifies the bit from what it has read, and outputs the whole byte at the end of th instruction. The problem is that it is common for pins with 'normal' loads, to take quite a significant time to actually 'read' as high, and when the two instructions are 'nose to tail', this may not yet have happened. This is mentioned both in the Microchip data sheets in various places, and in the CCS manual, but they don't really make it clear, just how long the timescales may be.
If this is the problem, there are three possible solutions:
1) If the chip involved is one of the latter '18' family chips, then instead of using output_high, consider writing directly to the LATB register. This is available on the latter chips to avoid this problem.
2) Try simply adding a delay between the first and second write.
3) Alternatively, keep a global variable containing the value you want to appear on port B, and set the bits on this, then output this as a whole byte using 'output_b'.

Best Wishes
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