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For loop compiler bug

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Joined: 17 May 2006
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For loop compiler bug
PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 1:17 pm     Reply with quote

I'm having a problem with a particular for loop in one of my programs and I think it is a problem with the compiler. The for loop is supposed to count backwards from 4 to 0; however what ends up happening is the program gets stuck in an infinite loop with the integer variable counting down, overflowing, then counting down again, etc.

I've included source code that demonstrates this problem. I have not tried it on another PIC. I have also included the assembly generated when I compile this program. If someone could try this code and confirm or deny my results that would be much appreciated.

#include <18F4620.h>
#device ICD=TRUE
#device adc=8


#use delay(clock=20000000)
#use rs232(baud=57600,parity=N,xmit=PIN_C6,rcv=PIN_C7,bits=8,stream=COM1,ERRORS,restart_wdt)

#include <stdio.h>

void main()
   int x=0;

   for (x=4; x>=0; x--)
      printf("x = %d\r\n",x);

.................... void main()
.................... {
013A:  CLRF   FF8
013C:  BCF    FD0.7
013E:  CLRF   FEA
0140:  CLRF   FE9
0142:  BSF    FB8.3
0144:  MOVLW  56
0146:  MOVWF  FAF
0148:  MOVLW  00
014A:  MOVWF  FB0
014C:  MOVLW  26
0150:  MOVLW  90
0152:  MOVWF  FAB
0154:  MOVF   FC1,W
0156:  ANDLW  C0
0158:  IORLW  0F
015A:  MOVWF  FC1
015C:  MOVLW  07
015E:  MOVWF  FB4
0160:  CLRF   05
0162:  CLRF   06
0164:  CLRF   07
....................    int x=0;
0166:  CLRF   08
....................    for (x=4; x>=0; x--)
0168:  MOVLW  04
016A:  MOVWF  08
....................    {
....................       printf("x = %d\r\n",x);
016C:  CLRF   09
016E:  MOVF   09,W
0170:  RCALL  0004
0172:  INCF   09,F
0174:  MOVWF  00
0176:  CLRWDT
0178:  BTFSS  F9E.4
017A:  BRA    0176
017E:  MOVLW  04
0180:  SUBWF  09,W
0182:  BNZ   016E
0184:  MOVFF  08,0A
0188:  MOVLW  1F
018A:  MOVWF  0B
018C:  BRA    0060
018E:  MOVLW  0D
0190:  CLRWDT
0192:  BTFSS  F9E.4
0194:  BRA    0190
0196:  MOVWF  FAD
0198:  MOVLW  0A
019C:  BTFSS  F9E.4
019E:  BRA    019A
....................    }
01A2:  DECF   08,F
01A4:  BRA    016C
....................    printf("\r\nDone\r\n");
01A6:  CLRF   09
01A8:  MOVF   09,W
01AA:  RCALL  001E
01AC:  IORLW  00
01AE:  BZ    01BC
01B0:  INCF   09,F
01B4:  BTFSS  F9E.4
01B6:  BRA    01B2
01BA:  BRA    01A8
.................... }
01BC:  BRA    01BC

Joined: 24 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 1:26 pm     Reply with quote

Hate to rain on your parade, but your for loop is doing exactly what you're asking it to.

You declare x as an unsigned integer. In the loop you set x = 4, and decrement x on every pass through the loop. Your test for the continuation of the loop is to test if x is greater than or equal to 0.

Let's say that on a particular pass through the loop, x = 0. Since 0 is equal to 0, the loop executes. Once it executes, x is decremented and becomes 255. 255 is indeed greater than 0, so the loop continues.

Change your definition of x to:

signed int8 x;

It will perform as you expect with this change.

Joined: 17 May 2006
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PostPosted: Wed May 17, 2006 1:27 pm     Reply with quote


I noticed what was wrong. I needed to add the "signed" keyword infront of x's declaration. However what I find puzzling is how without this keyword the application would count negative numbers when it ran (which if "int" is unsigned by default it shouldn't do).

It was only when I tried setting x equal to negative 2 to do a test of the ">=" operator and the compiler flaged that as not in the valid range for that variable that I caught this.

So it appears a variable declared only as "int" exhibits properties of both the signed and unsigned types.

Edit: Wait, I just realized that was probably the printf() call interpretting the numbers as signed because of the %d.

Nevermind; nothing to see here. Move along.
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