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Some very Basic Questions About External Memory

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Some very Basic Questions About External Memory
PostPosted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 10:54 am     Reply with quote

Some very basic questions about memory from a fairly newbie so please respond kindly. !

1 what is the difference between EEPROM (9536) and SRAM (PCFF8570) ?

2 Where would you use either .

3 Both memory capacity is 256 , what if I need more memory ? .

I have used CCS example EX_EXTEE.C and EX_SRAM . They work fine.

4 But they only ask for a Two digit address . So I if I want to address more memory how do I adopt these examples to read more address.

5 I want to read the following table in to either external memory . can this be done . ? Ie is there enough memory to accommodate this table .

6 How do I calculate how much memory I need . ? For example for the table below how do I work out how much memory this table needs .

7 If I wanted to write the following Table in say PCFF870 how would I do that ? because CCS WRITE_EXT_SRAM( address, value );andREAD_EXT_SRAM( address )only write and read one address at a time .

8 The other thing I have noticed is If I write TT and read it back its no longer TT but FF . So how do I save alpha characters ABCDEFGH etc .

As you can I am new to memory this is the first time I have connected memory on breadboard with a PIC and I am still learning .

Many Thanks In Advance ..

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 7:58 pm     Reply with quote

It is not a good idea post in bold face it make it difficult to read. Generally bold should only be used to emphasise a specific point.


1 what is the difference between EEPROM (9536) and SRAM (PCFF8570) ?

EEPROM = Electrically Eraseable Read Only Memory. Once you wite to it, information is retained through power cycling - depending on the device it can retain the information for up to 100 years. It takes typically 5 to 20ms to write either a single byte or a page depending on the device. You could use higher capacity EEPROMs. Microchip has a 512K bit (64K byte) version 24LC512

SRAM - Static RAM. Data is lost in the event of power loss. Write access is very fast (no 5 to 20ms write delay). SRAMs are rather limited in capacity compared to EEPROM sizes. However there is an alternative. A FRAM such as the RAMTRON 24C256 is a 256K bit (32K byte) device that has the access speed of RAM but is non volatile - retains program through power cycle.
Regards, Andrew
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 1:43 am     Reply with quote

You are asking a lot of questions, many of them so easy to answer that I'm wondering if you have even tried to look up the answer yourself.

1 what is the difference between EEPROM (9536) and SRAM (PCFF8570) ?
Looking at the questions you are asking I'm wondering why you are comming up with these specific part numbers. What made you decide to use external memory? Save yourself (and us) a lot of time by buying a PIC with more internal memory.
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